365 More People Pictures - Week 48

Hello! This is week 48 of the 365 More People Pictures Project.

In real time, I've actually finished this second 365 Day project.  I've decided to combine the first 365 Day Project, together with this 365 Day Project, add another 270 Days, and call it: "1KPhotoaday." I'm currently working on the last 270 photos, and I instagram those pictures daily.

I'm sorry I've fallen so behind on the blog.  Summer is peak season at my work and some big life changes are happening right now.  I've fallen behind and it's been a challenge to catch up.  Please know that I've continued to take a picture of a person every day, and if you'd like to follow along with the daily photo, my Instagram username is @missellanea.


Day 48 - Edward


This is Edward.  We met at a rest stop along I-5.

The happiest thing happening in Edward's life, is his 10-year-old Son.

When I asked Edward his life's purpose, he explained that it changes all the time, but presently ,"it's my family...taking care of them."

"My career has been a success so far, and the raising of my family...that's what drives me," Edward said, when I asked something about himself he considers to be a success.

Thank you, Edward.


Day 330 - Deandre


This is Deandre.  We met walking down the street.

"My children," Deandre answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Deandre's life's purpose:  "to add to life."

"Graduating high school," Deandre said, is something about himself he considers a success.

Thank you, Deandre! Wishing you and your children much happiness.


Day 331 - Neil


This is Neil.

The happiest thing happening in his life is graduating college.  Neil looked so stylish and professional, I assumed he had already landed a job after college and had just finished work, but Neil explained that he had been out job-hunting all day.  I asked Neil what his dream job would be and he said working for ESPN.

"To learn and to educate others," Neil answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Neil something about himself which he considers a success, he answered, "it took 8 years but I finished a college degree while holding down a job and going to school."

Congratulations, Neil!  Wishing you the very best of luck in finding a job that both fulfills and sustains you.


Day 332 - Elissa


This is Elissa. We met at the bus stop.

When I asked Elissa the happiest thing happening in her life right now, she said that she's happy when she's tending to the plants she's growing, or whenever she's outside, or riding her bike.

I asked Elissa if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of kindness.  On the receiving end, her co-worker had just given her a ride to the bus stop where we met.  The ride cut out a ton of travel time and a couple busses on her commute home.  On the giving end, Elissa found $10 and a receipt at the store.  She gave both the money and the receipt to the cashier, hoping it could be returned.

"To realize my gifts and to embody them, and to use, or be, them to the fullest," Elissa answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

Elissa's answer touches on why I even ask this question.  There are some pretty amazing people in my life, both personally and professionally.  The only downside of being around so many amazing people who have their shit together, is that it can really cause you to question and examine your own life, sometimes resulting in massive feelings of inadequacy.  Maybe "inadequacy" isn't the right word.  At the very least, amazing people who have their shit together, motivate you to want to get your own shit together too!

One of the common characteristics of some of the people I admire and who are of inspiration to me, is that they don't wander aimlessly in life.  They live with purpose and it seems like they've had definiteness of purpose nearly their entire lives.  Like Elissa, even if they didn't know that exact purpose, they didn't sit around waiting for purpose to find them.  They explored life, looking for meaning and their place in it.

Yes, I think it's probably apparent from this project and the questions that I ask, that I'm experiencing a bit of an existential crisis.  I would blame it on my age, mid-40's, but I think I've been this way my entire life.  I believe we're here for a reason, and as much as I've searched, I've not yet found mine. Hearing the answers of all of the subjects in this project is getting me closer to the target.   Even the subjects in this project who believe we really have no set purpose in life, ironically, seem to fill the purpose of reminding the rest of us to be easy, have fun, enjoy life, and that pursuing happiness is an adequate and admirable purpose in life.

This project has gotten me closer to my life's purpose than anything I've experienced so far...I know it is part of my purpose.  At least, it feels like the only meaningful thing I've done with myself in my 40-something years.  But, I'm not done yet.

Thank you, Elissa.  One of  your gifts is planting seeds...be it seeds of actual plants, or of ideas. You help things to grow.


Day 333 - Tiana


This is Tiana.  We met on the street.

The happiest thing happening in Tiana's life is that she just moved to Portland.

When I asked if she had recently performed and act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she said that a friend drove with her to help her move from Nebraska to Portland!  What a great friend!

"To bear witness to other people's journey and to lead them gently back to themselves," Tiana said, is her life's purpose.  If you gathered from Tiana's answer that she's a social worker, you would be correct.

Thank you, Tiana! Welcome to Portland!


Day 334 - Michelle


This is Michelle.  We met on the street.

The happiest thing happening in her life is her new job, and hanging out with friends.

Michelle's recent act of kindness is that she gave a BBQ dinner to her neighbor who has 3 kids.

"To care about others and to give to others whatever I can," Michelle answered, when I asked her life's purpose.   Michelle added that we always have something we could give, share or do for others.  We may not have unlimited funds, but we can always give of our time or of ourselves.


Day 335 -  Ryan


This is Ryan.  We met on the street.

The happiest thing happening in his life is his new job.

When I asked Ryan if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness, he answered, "both."  Ryan collects jackets and clothing for homeless people and some of the local bars even help him in his collection efforts by setting out collection barrels to gather clothing.  On the receiving end, his bike got a flat tire and a complete stranger gave him a ride home!

"To serve, and to be the neighbor that everybody wants," Ryan answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

"That I'm still alive," Ryan answered, when I asked something about himself he considers a success.

Thank you, Ryan.  I would want you for my neighbor.


Here's a summary of the life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

  • It's my family...taking care of them.
  • To add to life.
  • To learn and educate others.
  • To realize my gifts and to embody them, and to use, or be, them to the fullest.
  • To bear witness to other people's journey and to lead them gently back to themselves.
  • To care about others and to give to others whatever I can.
  • To serve, and to be the neighbor that everybody wants.

Thank you for reading, and thank you to every subject in this project.  If you're happy with your picture and would like a copy, please don't hesitate to email me.



365 More People Pictures - Week 45

Hello! This is week 45 of the 365 More People Pictures Project.


Day 308 - Tamera


This is Tamera.  We met at the park.  I spotted her sitting at a picnic table, reading a book.

The happiest thing happening in Tamera's life right now is that she recently learned she and her family will be staying in Portland.  They were facing the possibility of a transfer, but are happy to be staying here in the Northwest.

When I asked Tamera if she's recently performed an act of kindness, or if she's been on the receiving end of kindness, she told me about her tight-knit group of neighbors who are constantly performing kind acts for one another. It sounds like in Tamera's neighborhood, one day you'll find yourself on the giving end of kindness, but the next day, you will be on the receiving end of your neighbor's kindness.  They provide child care for each other, prepare and deliver meals to each other when one might be in need of a little extra help, and most of all, they provide friendship and a true sense of community for one another.  It reminds me of how we lived decades ago.

"To be as kind and loving as possible to the people around me, and to make the world a better place wherever I am," Tamera answered, when I asked if she had a personal mission statement.  Tamera added that her life's purpose is to care for her daughter.

Thank you, Tamera.


Day 309 - Angie


This is Angie.

The happiest thing happening in her life is that she's settling into her new house.

Angie's recent act of kindness is that she donated to a group of kids who were fundraising.

"To make people laugh," Angie answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

When I asked Angie something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered that it was that she was able to overcome financial burdens.  Congratulations!

Thank you, Angie.

Day 310 - Marie


This is Marie.  We met at the bus stop.

"I'm just learning to be happier and more positive," Marie answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

Marie's recent act of kindness is that she helped one of her customers pay the difference when they came up short on their purchase. In general, Marie said that she always tries to be friendly and helpful at her job and wants to help make others happy.

"Trying to help others and help the planet," Marie answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

Something about herself which she would consider to be a success is that she's done well at her first job. She's worked there for over a year and is pleased with her job stability.

Thank you, Marie.


Day 311 - Trevor and Noah


These are two complete strangers, hugging.  I wish that every day in this project could have been like this one.  I pushed myself a little harder and just happened to meet two awesome guys who were willing to push themselves too.

This is Trevor (right) and Noah (left).  We met outside Sam's Billiards.  I approached and asked which one of them would let me take their picture for the project.  They were both up for it!  Hearing they were both up for it, I knew this was going to be my chance to try something I've been dreaming about.  I explained to the pair that I've been wanting to do something with strangers interacting because I want others to experience the same joy and full heart this project has provided to me.  Again, they were up for it!

I asked the two if they would be willing to hug.  Obviously...they were up for it!  What I love most about this, is that the hug was solid and genuine.

The two let go of any fears and apprehension, and hugged a stranger with the love one would have hugged their brother they hadn't seen in a while.  I felt the love and positive energy just being an observer of this beautiful interaction.  This was one of the best days in the entire two-year project.


Noah was just coming off the receiving end of 2.5 months of kindness. He had been touring with his  band and it's the kindness of others which propels bands from one town to the next.

"The fact that I'm always trying to succeed," Noah answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.


The happiest thing happening in Trevor's life at the time, was that he was on vacation with his girlfriend...and deciding to play pool at a random bar.  (Which is where we met, and were now all hugging strangers.)

"Eat, sleep, fuck, and to be happy and to help everyone else around me to succeed," Trevor answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  "Hey, I'm an animal," he explained.  (Yes, a sweet, adorable, loving little animal.)

Thank you, Noah and Trevor.  Thank you for your kindness in allowing me to take your picture, and for being brave enough and loving enough, to hug a complete stranger.  You two are awesome.


Day 312 - Al


This is Al.

The happiest thing happening in his life is his new girlfriend.

Al's recent act of kindness is that he helped pull a guy's truck out of the sand where he had become stuck.

"Surfing," Al answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

"I'm a jack of all trades. I can learn just about anything, fast," Al answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Al was such an easy-going person.  Throughout this project, I've often been so pressured by time (trying to get a picture before a subject's bus arrives) that I've sacrificed quality about 98% of the time.  Given the nature of this project and the way in which I've approached it, I've been forgiving of myself.  However, if you continue to do something incorrectly, day after day, month after month, you will train yourself in bad habits and any progress will be slow and in tiny little increments. (Exactly how it's been for me.)

It's like I continue to take "bad" pictures, knowing they're bad!   Sometimes they're accidentally bad, but most times I've simply not taken the time to make them better. I already feel awkward and weird asking a person for their picture. It feels like people would get annoyed or upset if I then take them over to a spot where the light or background would be better. They're already taking time out of their day for me...it feels like I'd really be pushing my luck to then ask them to go to a different location. (Not to mention, I might really creep them out!)  However, I could see the light was beautiful in this little corridor in-between two buildings. I could see it was there, but because I don't practice it enough, I was having a hard time finding the sweet spot. Al was so patient with me as we moved a few steps up, a few steps back, a few steps left, then a few steps right. I realize that had I approached this project with the same determination I had that day, the results would have been better.  Al was patient and kind enough to let me take my time so that I could try a little harder than usual.

Thank you, Al.


Day 313 - Chris


This is Chris.  We met at the bus stop.

The blog is behind from real-time and things have changed from when Chris and I met.  I'll share the answers he gave at the time, and then the update we shared via e-mail.

"A fresh start - I just moved to Portland," Chris answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  Chris had just come from a job interview when we met, and he was on his way back to his hotel.

I asked Chris his life's purpose and he answered, "to live as genuinely as possible and to publish a book that resonates with people."  Chris is a writer and you can learn more about his work at www.ahliterature.org

"I got here on my own," Chris answered, when I asked something about himself which he considers to be a success.  Chris packed up and moved to Portland, determined to make a new life here.

After meeting Chris, he immediately emailed me, explaining that he felt like a deer-in-the-headlights when we met, and that he would be more comfortable answering the questions in writing so that he could give them more thought and consideration.  I completely understand this.  If someone were to approach me on the street and ask me these questions, I would babble non-sensibly.  I would also much rather prefer to write the answers than give a verbal in-person interview.

I find written communication to be preferred over the spoken word.  I feel awful about this trait.  It's nice knowing others have this preference as well.  It's not that I dislike talking with people. I love it, actually.  It's just that communication is a puzzle for me.  Each word is its special little piece of the puzzle and when you assemble them correctly, a beautiful picture is revealed.  When speaking with another person,  it's like each word, or puzzle piece, has a helium balloon attached to it.  Trying to arrange the words in proper order to convey a thought is like trying to grasp at the words as they're floating away.  Once caught, the words continue to be mischievous and disobedient.  When speaking, I continually arrange the words incorrectly.  Half of the words, puzzle pieces,  still manage to escape my grasp and are lifted away by their little helium-filled balloon, never to return to my mind or my mouth in time to be properly aligned with the other words.  With all of those missing words, puzzle pieces, my thoughts, the picture, can never be delivered the way in which I intended.   And as I age, I've discovered that the puzzle pieces are now escaping my capture in the the written word as well.  It is one of my biggest fears, turning into reality, that words will continue to float away from me forever.  With all those missing words, those missing pieces,  I will never be able to reveal the beautiful picture.

Time passed.

Chris did get the job here in Portland but finding an affordable place to live proved to be impossible.  Chris returned home.  So much has happened since we met.  Time passed and so so did his mood, or at least the spirit he was feeling when we met.  Chris no longer felt like re-visiting the questions in order to provide written answers.  I'm so sad Portland was unable to provide for Chris.  He was so happy to be here.  He found a job immediately and loved our city, but we failed at providing Chris with a place to call home.

I'm just really bummed about this.  I enjoyed meeting Chris and was hoping to bump into him again in the future.  It's been over 20 years since I've been on the hunt for an apartment or living situation in Portland, and now I'm also experiencing this challenge firsthand.  It's now extremely difficult to find an affordable place to live here.

Chris, wishing you the very best of luck and success, and the completion of your book.  It was a pleasure meeting you.  Thank you.


Day 314 - Eddie


This is Eddie.  He's another one of the most soft-spoken, sweetest people in this project.  His style screams to be noticed, but his calm and gentle nature is more of a whisper.

The happiest thing happening in Eddie's life right now is his work with bridle leather.  Eddie hand-crafts leather goods. I'm determined to find the shop in which he sells some of this things, and then I'll report back to you.


Eddie's recent act of kindness is that he returned someone's wallet.  It was a bit of a chase, but he was able to return the wallet to it's rightful owner.

"I'm a nihilist.  I don't think there there is a purpose in life," Eddie answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  Eddie went on to explain instead, "I'm an artist. I challenge myself to do different things, or to craft in a different way."

I've observed a beautiful irony in my friends and acquaintances who identify as being nihilists.  I've met a few people who are operating under the thought or philosophy that life is purpose-less, but those who I've met who live this operating system, are living some of the most purposeful, meaningful, beautiful lives of anyone I know.  They live lives filled with kindness, generosity, and determination.  Most of the nihilists I've met have been artists/creatives, born with gifts and talent that even the most dedicated person can never nurture from themselves.  They have been visionaries, and more importantly, they accomplish as much as they dream.

To me, it feels like someone who identifies with nihilism may feel like there isn't really a purpose to life, or in life, but the funny thing is, they're often living such a beautiful and purposeful life that it practically contradicts this philosophy.  It's as though their life's purpose is so hard-wired and so innate, they're not wandering aimlessly  (like some of us) in search of their purpose in life, or of life's purpose for them.  They are simply living it.

"My kindness," Eddie answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.   Eddie experienced a pretty traumatic situation just a few days prior to this in which he was caught in the crossfire of gang violence.  He was actually standing in the middle of gunfire as two gangs were shooting at each other.  Eddie is determined not to let this experience cloud his thoughts or feelings about people.  He's forgiving.  He will not allow himself to be led down a path and into the territory of discrimination or racism because of the violent acts of two small groups of people.  Eddie will not be hardened by this.  Instead, he is pretty much one of the most loving and accepting people I've met.

Thank you, Eddie.  You are amazing.


Here's a summary of the life's purposes and personal mission statements of the subjects from this week:

  • To be as kind and loving as possible to the people around me, and to make the world a better place wherever I am.
  • To make people laugh.
  • Trying to help others and help the planet.
  • I'm always trying to succeed.
  • Eat, sleep, fuck, and to be happy and to help everyone else around me to succeed.
  • Surfing.
  • To live as genuinely as possible and to publish a book that resonates with people.
  • I'm a nihilist.  I don't think there there is a purpose in life.


Thank you for reading along and thank you to every subject in this project.

365 More People Pictures - Week 44

Hello! So sorry for the pause.  I'm still taking a picture of a person every day and we're nearing the end of this second 365 Day streak.  The blog is a few weeks behind from real-time, but you can follow along daily on Instagram. My username is @missellanea.

Meet the subjects from week 44 of the 365 More People Pictures project.


Day 301 - Chris


This is Chris, my boss/employer.  As I typed the words "boss/employer," it made me smile thinking about all of the times we've been out as a group, either professionally or for fun, when Chris humbly introduced himself as our "co-worker."  He rarely mentions that he's the owner of a successful business which he started as a kid in his parent's basement and grew into one of the strongest in our entire industry.

"Being in love," Chris answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Chris if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he was hesitant to answer.  "More than I can say," Chris stalled.  I could tell he was retreating to his mind in search of just the right words to say without breaking any sort of confidence before he finally answered, "grand acts of kindness."

Chris' success has put him in a position to be able to help people, but it's his heart that compels him to do so.  The company donates generously to hundreds of local organizations and events.  Having lost both parents to cancer, Chris contributes to several of the many organizations dedicated to fighting cancer, or those which help patients, survivors and their families to cope with the avalanche brought by the diagnosis of cancer.  I only know of a tiny little fraction of the kindness he's extended to our work family, and what little I know, has been massive and life-changing for many people.

"To employ people," Chris answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  This answer was preceded by an explanation that his life's purpose is evolving and that his life is for his family and his family's security, but that everything relates.

After leaving Chris, I continued thinking about his answer.  I've always known Chris to be a big-picture guy, and those three small words, "to employ people," have a much greater significance. Chris' life purpose is built on the foundation to care and provide security for his own family, but it's also providing for the lives of hundreds of other people.  He doesn't just employ a single one of us.  He is, in a sense, employing our entire family.  His decisions are based not only on the 125+/- people who come in to work each day, but more like the 500, or so, people in the families of those of us who actually punch the clock.  Chris is more like the big-big-picture guy.  Again, part of the grand acts of kindness he performs every day.  When I consider the giant web, or ripple, of Chris' three small words and how their reach extends even beyond his company's employees and our families, and spreads into the lives of our thousands of customers and their families, the impact and significance becomes enormous.  And, in seeing that enormous impact, I can just imagine the enormous pressures he must feel as a result.

One single life.  Three small words.  Thousands of lives touched.

"Holding my family together, in spite of it being broken 2-times over," Chris answered, when I asked one thing about himself which he would consider to be a success.  Of all the achievements Chris could have listed, I realized this was truly his finest, and his most important.

For 20 years, Chris has been teaching me about business,  and I've absorbed his drive and determination to be the very best at what we do.  On this day, he reminded me why we do it.  We want to be the very best at what we do in order to provide for our families, and the families of our customers.  Big picture.  Big-big-picture.

Thank you, Chris.  I don't tell you enough.  The tears flow as I'm writing this because the words are sincere, thank you.  Thank you for everything you are, and everything you do.


Day 302 - Dan


This is Dan.   We met downtown, where he was on break from work.

"Sunshine," Dan said, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Dan if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he explained that his job is to be kind.  I gathered that Dan is a server or bartender.  He explained that he can tell when his customers are having a bad day and he makes it a point to be friendly, and basically, befriend them.  He wants people to leave there happier than they arrived.

"Living, life experiences, meeting people, and seeing nature," Dan answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

Something about himself which Dan considers to be a success is that he's been able to meet all of his personal responsibilities and own needs since a young age. Dan has been on his own since high school

Thank you, Dan.


Day 303 - Cameron


This is Cameron.  The happiest thing happening in his life right now is that he has a new girlfriend.  I loved watching Cameron as he spoke about her with his friend.  I could tell from the reaction of both of them that she's a real keeper.  She sounded like a great girl, and I'm happy for Cameron that she's in his life and also happy that he recognizes such such a special girl.  It's been so cute and touching to see so many men in this project reveal their sensitive side.

Cameron's recent act of kindness is that he gives money and/or food to homeless people.

"To make art and music more available to the masses," Cameron answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Cameron something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "that I continue to move up in the field I'm in."

Thank you, Cameron.


Day 304 - Forest


This is Forest. The very first time I saw Forest,  a few weeks prior to this, he was juggling outside my favorite little Hollywood District coffee shop, Nectar Cafe. (You've already met several of the Nectar team.) I just had to take his picture back then.  I didn't end up with what I was going for, but we talked about someday going out to shoot him juggling.  This day, as I was wandering around looking for the person of the day, I looked over and saw Forest doing hand stands!  Again, I just had to take his picture so I asked Forest if he would be in the project.  Juggling, handstands...I'm not sure what Forest is going to be up to the next time I see him. Stilt-walking?  Fire-eating?


The happiest thing happening in Forest's life right now is being in Portland.

"To live until I die," Forest answered, is his life's purpose.  Forest explained that every day, we should consider ourself as dead, or dying, and then live life like that.  The way he explained it wasn't at all morbid or depressing, but rather freeing and inspiring.  Imagine all that you would do, everything you would say, and all that you would experience if it were your last day.  Imagine all the worries you would dismiss and not waste a single moment fretting over, if you knew it didn't really matter.  Imagine all the love you would share, and receive.


I enjoyed listening to Forest and asked if in addition to his life's purpose, if he also has a personal mission statement.  Forest answered, "to be as aware of my life as possible."  Forest explained he wasted a lot of time not really being aware of himself, his surroundings or the people around him.  He's fully present now, and I guess living like you're dying is one way of instantly grounding yourself in the current moment.  After talking with Forest, I really wouldn't be surprised if he were stilt-walking or fire-eating the next time I bump into him. That's Forest, living.

"Procreation," Forest answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.  "I have children who are now good people."  Forest told me a story about how his son's teacher once asked how they raised such a great student and person. The teacher wasn't just being flattering. They really wanted to know the parental secret.   Forest's son grew up in a home without a television, and no real living-room furniture.  They didn't have a couch on which to potato.  Instead, Forest filled the home with mats and gym equipment, books and games and everything a kid could ever want. (Except for T.V. and a couch.)   The result was a child with an active body and and active mind, and now he's an adult with the same.  I wished out loud that I could force myself to make this drastic and unconventional lifestyle change and get rid of both the TV and the couch.    I laughed and told Forest that my husband wouldn't go for it, even though it would help us to accomplish so much in life.  I loved Forest's answer.  "Don't ask him, just do it."  I'm going to compromise and will plan on just being able to at least cancel the cable someday. (But it might have to be done Forest's way - not asking husband for permission, just doing it.)

Thank you, Forest.  Thank you for your energy.


Day 305 - Cameron


This is Cameron.  Two Cameron's in one week and separated by just one Forest!  What are the odds?

"I'm surrounded by an abundance of things that cause joy.  I'm so lucky to have an abundance of friends and a supportive community, and I'm figuring out how to express love through my entire being," Cameron answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Cameron's recent act of kindness is that he opened up his home to shelter a stranger who was escaping a bad situation.  Cameron has also been on the receiving end of kindness in the process of founding a non-profit organization.  Most recently, 2 classes at PSU helped him prepare a business plan for the organization.  You can learn more about Cameron's work by checking out:  The Oregon Center for Human Rights, and Know Your City.

Cameron's life's purpose is the same as the mission of the Oregon Center for Human Rights, the foundation he's starting: "to shift the narrative about human rights in Oregon, by sharing stories of humanity."

When I asked Cameron something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "resiliency."  Cameron forgives and loves again, adding, "...and I smile through it all."

It was such a pleasure meeting you, Cameron.  Thank you for being in the project, and for being so kind.  Wishing you luck and success to you and your organization.


Day 306 - Deirdre


This is Deirdre.  She was peddling down the street when we met.

The happiest thing happening in her life right now is that she built a tiny home and is now living in a stable place. She's enjoying her garden, her home, coziness, and privacy.

Deirdre's recent act of kindness is that she made root beer floats for her hard-working co-workers!

"To love and figure out how to be kind, despite impatience," Deirdre answered, when I asked her life's purpose.  I could relate to Deirdre and confessed to her I have the same objective, explaining that I've noticed over the past few years that my well of patience is no longer as deep as when I was younger.  This project, in addition to learning photography, has been one of the ways in which I'm seeking to reclaim and expand the patience I once had, which seems to have been damaged or altered by recent years.

"To have created a home for myself," Deirdre answered, when I asked something about herself which she would consider to be a success. Having had zero experience in construction, Deirdre built her home all by herself, with the exception of electrical and pumping, which she needed help with in order to be properly up to code.  A tiny house. A huge accomplishment.

Thank you, Deirdre.


Day 307 - Horse


This is Horse. We met near Saturday market, where he was singing and drumming with a group of Natives.  As I was about to leave the market, I could hear a faint heartbeat in the distance.  I couldn't force myself to leave.  I was drawn to the pulse and had to find where it was coming from.  I wandered till I found the drum circle and stayed there for a while, just soaking in the sounds and the energy of the culture I left when I moved away from home.  For a few moments, I was home.

"Living in my spiritual world," Horse answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Through his 12-step work, Horse has been on both the receiving and giving end of kindness.

"To teach people the right way," Horse answered, is his life's purpose.

When I asked Horse something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "living life good, and staying clean and sober so I can sing for those who can't, and for the Elders and Grandfathers above."

Thank you, Horse.  Stay strong and on the path.

Here's the summary of personal mission statements and the life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

  • To employ people.
  • Living, life experiences, meeting people, and seeing nature.
  • To make art and music more available to the masses.
  • To live until I die.
  • To be as aware of my life as possible.
  • To shift the narrative about human rights in Oregon, by sharing stories of humanity.
  • To love and figure out how to be kind, despite impatience.
  • To teach people the right way.

Thank you!




365 More People Pictures - Week 43

Hello! This is the review of the subjects from week 43 of the 365 More People Pictures project. The blog is a few weeks behind realtime, but if you'd like to follow along daily, my Instagram username is @missellanea.


Day 294 - Jason


This is Jason. We met downtown at the first Instameet hosted at Compound by @portland and Portland Gear.

This was a pretty awesome meet-up and I can't wait for the next event! In attendance were around 200 photographers of all ages, all skill levels, and shooting with everything from their camera phones to set-ups that cost more than my car.

The Unipiper made an appearance and he filmed all of us for a promo video for the Goonies 30th Anniversary Celebration in Astoria. I loved that the Unipiper was filming us, as we where shooting him, filming us!  Search the hashtag #PDXMeet and check out all the photos and videos.

Can you imagine a group of 200 touristy-looking people on a photowalk of downtown Portland? It was the best! I went not knowing anyone but the host, and left there having met dozens of people who I can't wait to see again soon. Jason is one of those people. I love his passion for photography and want to surround myself with others who are equally passionate about photography. Being around other obsessed people helps fuel the fire for your own passions/obsessions.

"Focusing on my photography," Jason answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Jason's recent act of kindness is that he carries around bottled water in his work truck to give to homeless people.

"To provide for my kids," Jason answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Jason something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, " I have a strong work ethic."

Thank you, Jason!  Looking forward to hanging out with you again some day!


Day 295 - Rob


This is Rob. He and his son were impossible to miss as they were happily walking down the sidewalk, eating ice-cream on a warm evening and making memories together.

The happiest thing happening in Rob's life right now are his kids.

When I asked Rob if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he explained that he's in AA and he's of service to others in the program. He's able to give back what he's received in the program.

"To try to leave the world better, for me having existed," Rob answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Rob something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "trying to be open minded at all times."

Thank you, Rob. The world is already a better place for you having existed, and keep up your excellent work and service.


Day 296 - Dessa


This is Dessa. The happiest thing happening in her life right now is dancing Tango. She was actually in a bit of a hurry when we met, as she was on her way to dance class.

When I asked if Dessa had recently performed an act of kindness or if she's on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she explained that she recently moved into a new place. Before moving, she found herself needing help and running out of options, she made a post on Facebook asking if anyone could help her move. She was so surprised and touched when a guy she hasn't seen since 8th grade, responded to her post that he could help her move. What a sweet friend!

"To bring healing to myself and others," Dessa answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

When I asked Dessa something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she first answered that it was Grad School. She thought for a moment and added, "maintaining a relationship with my father during a difficult time."

Thank you, Dessa.


Day 297 - Nathan


This is Nathan. He was waiting for someone on the street when we met. "Meditation," Nathan answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now. Nathan added that the process of self examination or self discovery isn't always a happy one, but the outcome is.

You know how you get good vibes from certain people? Well, Nathan gives off good vibes, but more than that, he gives off a heavy vibe too. Heavy in a good way...like, it's time to get to work, or to get serious.

When I asked Nathan if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, Nathan explained that it happens all the time in the simple act of receiving a smile, acknowledgment or eye-contact from a stranger or in our everyday interactions with others. Nathan added that simply acknowledging people, or giving them a smile, is the scariest and bravest thing we can do, but it's also the kindest. It doesn't matter who the person is, it is amazing what we can do when we simply acknowledge another human being with a kind smile.

"Helping others help themselves," Nathan answered, when I asked his life's purpose. As if on cue, Nathan's client arrived and confirmed Nathan is actually living his life's purpose. Nathan is a personal trainer and his client explained that she has severe Scoliosis and could barely even move when she first started working with Nathan. With her hard work and determination, and Nathan's guidance, she's made so much progress that she just attended a yoga conference in Costa Rica!

When I asked Nathan something about himself which he would consider to be a success, his answer was completely aligned with his life's purpose. Nathan said, "helping people see the best in themselves."

Thank you for being you, Nathan.


Day 298 - Paul


This is Paul. We met in a crosswalk.

When I asked Paul the happiest thing happening in his life right now, I could tell by the look on his face that I had just caught him at a weird time. He didn't even have to answer. I've learned to recognize the I-can't-believe-you're-asking-me-this-question-when-things-are-so-messed-up look" in someone's eyes.

Paul explained that he's currently going through a separation. I empathize with Paul and this sad and turbulent time for him, but Paul managed to find a positive spin on his current circumstances. "Figuring out what's next," Paul answered, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

It's now happened a few times that I've met someone and asked them the "happiness" question at the most inopportune time imaginable. But, maybe my timing hasn't been completely off. It is my hope that if someone I've met in this project has been momentarily consumed by thoughts or worry, maybe our interaction presented them with enough pause that they've been able to shift their thinking enough to change their perception about whatever was troubling them. This question has been been deliberate, and if the question has helped even just one person feel a little better, or at least provide little relief from some stress that was bothering them, then this entire project has been worth the effort.

"I helped someone at work who was falling to pieces, and in return, they've helped me," Paul said, when I asked if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness.

When I asked Paul his life's purpose, he said, "to figure that out."

"Patience," Paul answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Wishing you the best, Paul.


Day 299 - Layal


This is Layal. We met at Waterfront park.

When I asked Layal the happiest thing happening in her life right now, she answered that it was seeing her brother for the first time in 7 years.  Layal left it at that, but I was curious if she traveled to visit him, or if he came to visit her.  This opened the door for her to explain that she's from Yemen and only expected to come to Portland to visit her brother for just a short visit.

Since her arrival here in Portland, war has destroyed her city, the airport, and her family's home.   Not only is she unable to fly back home because there is no longer an airport, but if she could make the flight back, she has no home to which she can return!

Layal's parents are still there but they're on the move every day, trying to escape air strikes.  Her heart is aching for her country and her family, and she feels conflicted not knowing if it's alright to feel joy here where she's safe with her brother and experiencing our beautiful city. Right now, she's both grieving for her country and her family, but also planning to start a new life here.

Although Layal is sad and grieving, she's also filled with so much kindness and even happiness.

When I asked Layal if she had recently performed an act of kindness, or if she was on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she said she couldn't think of anything because she's just arrived here and really hasn't interacted with a lot of other people. Layal showed me great kindness in taking the time to let me take her picture and sharing a little of her story with me. (with us.)


"To be a good lawyer," Layal answered, when I asked her life's purpose. Layal is trying to make the best of her situation, and is now looking into her options for Law School here in the U.S.

"I speak my mind, and stand up for others," Layal answered, when I asked something about herself which she would consider to be a success. Layal's life and her experiences, as traumatic and tragic as they are, will give her insight and drive that others could never really create from nothing. Layal's pain will lead her to help others.

Thank you, Layal. Praying for you, your family and your Country.


Day 300 - Kelsey and Ashley


This is Kelsey (left) and Ashley (right.) We met in a hotel in downtown, Portland. They were part of the fleet in town for the Portland Rose Festival.

I was staying in the hotel downtown in order to be close to a Rose Festival event I was working for the weekend. I was so exhausted after working all day, I returned to my room and fell asleep. I accidentally slept for about 4 hours and when I woke up at close to 10:30 pm, I was in a panic when I realized I still needed to find a subject for the day. I quickly pulled myself together and headed out to go in search of a subject. The beauty of staying in a busy downtown hotel is that I didn't even have to go any farther than the elevator before meeting Kelsey, and when we arrived down in the lobby, Ashley was there waiting for her.  I got lucky with two great subjects!  Wow! If only it were always this easy to find subjects!

"Being in the Navy and my family supporting me, Kelsey said, is the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

I asked Ashley if she had recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness. Ashley explained that she secretly gifted someone a coffee at B Street Coffee, from "Navy Girl."

"To make people's lives better...I want to do something to impact people's lives for the better," Kelsey answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

"When I'm scared about something, I'm really good at forcing myself to do it and face those fears," Ashley said, when I asked her something about herself which she would consider to be a success.

After I finished taking Ashley and Kelsey's picture and returned to my room, I was struck with the thought that I had just met three very strong women in the past two days. I had met a young woman whose home has been destroyed by war, but is persevering and still finding reasons to smile and be happy, and then the following day, I met two young women in the U.S. Navy.  I'm inspired by the strength and determination of these three young women.

I consider myself extremely lucky to live in a Country in which I have the freedom to approach these women, learn a little about their lives and their story, and then share it with you. I was also struck with the thought that had I met Layal, Ashley and Kelsey on the same day, the four of us would have the freedom that we could have all sat down together in the park, coffee in hand, and enjoyed each others company as we talked and dreamed about our futures. Had the four of us met on the same time and under the right circumstances, we could have become friends.

Here's the summary of the life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

  • To provide for my kids.
  • To try to leave the world a better, for me having existed.
  • To bring healing to myself and others.
  • Helping others help themselves.
  • To figure that out.
  • To be a good lawyer. I speak my mind, and stand up for others.
  • To make people's lives better...I want to do something to impact people's lives for the better.


Thank you!



365 More People Pictures - Week 42

Hello! Thank you for checking in on week 42 of The 365 More People Pictures project.


Day 287 - Elaine


This is Elaine.  She's been a family friend for going on 4 decades.  I first met Elaine when she and my mom worked in the same salon together.

"I feel happy every day," Elaine answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.  Elaine added, "I feel blessed...I feel at peace with life in general."

I knew when I asked Elaine if she'd recently performed an act of kindness, that we could have been there all afternoon if she'd listed everything she had just done in just the past week.  "I want to take all of my talents and use them to help other people," Elaine said.  Elaine's talents are many.  She can build anything, demo anything, she's a good cook, loves yard work and landscaping, she's a hair stylist and a mechanic. She's also just an all-around good person, and she's been a kind friend to my mom and family.

In addition to having just tended to the lawn care for a couple of her neighbors, she had also just fixed a neighbor's truck.  The neighbor had just paid over $1,100 to a mechanic to fix his work truck but when he went out to start it the next day to go to work, the truck wouldn't start.  Desperate to get to work and tapped out after having just paid all that money to a mechanic, he asked Elaine if she could take a look at the truck.  Elaine had a look, identified the problem, and then went to the parts store and paid for the parts to fix the truck. Knowing that her neighbor was in a financial bind because he had just forked over $1,100 to a  different mechanic, she paid for the parts knowing he'd pay her back when he could.

Elaine went to work on the truck.  Finished, and confident in her work, she instructed the neighbor to get in and start it up.  "I didn't say try to start it, I said, start it," Elaine said with confidence.  And guess what...it started right up!

"To serve God to the best of my ability," Elaine answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

When I asked Elaine something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered, "everything I have set out to do, I have done...and then some."  Elaine is not boastful.  She recognizes and respects her ability to set her mind to do something, and then accomplish her goal.

Thank you, Elaine. Thank you for all that you do for us.


Day 288 - Peter


This is Peter.  He was sitting outside a coffee shop on a bright and sunny day in downtown Vancouver.  I didn't know when I approached him, that he was actually campaigning for the position of Port Commissioner.

Peter agreed to let me take his picture for the project, so I joined him at his table.

"I wake up every morning to a wonderful woman, my wife, " Peter answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Peter if he had recently performed an act of kindness, he explained that he had just been honored for saving a person's life earlier in the year, by performing CPR.  Impressed and reality-stricken, I made a remark that you never really think that you're going to ever use what you learn in a CPR class, and that it was a good thing he had been paying attention in class.  In a great coincidence, it turned out that Peter is a CPR Instructor!  Wow!  For the person whose life Peter saved, it was their luckiest unlucky day to have a CPR Instructor near by.

"To make the world a better place," Peter answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  Peter is living his mission, on a personal level, and as he seeks to become our city's Port Commissioner.  You can learn more about Peter, here on his website:  Peter Harrison for Port Commissioner

When I asked Peter something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered that, "every day I get up and find something to be happy about."

Thank you, Peter.  Wishing you good luck!


Day 289 - Bette


This is Bette.  In my search for a subject, I bumped into Bette 2 or 3 times as I was wandering around the Hollywood District. Each time, she was a little bit too far away until we just finally ran right into each other and I was then able to ask if she would be in the project.

The happiest thing happening in Bette's life right now is Love.

Bette performs acts of kindness all the time and is involved in a Facebook page, "Carry out Kindness."  The page is positive, encouraging and uplifting and if you're looking to hear more good messages sprinkled in all of the not-so-positive stuff that shows up on your Facebook feed, do give them a like.  Click here to link to the Carry Out Kindness Facebook page.  If you've been following along on this project, I know you'll like the message from Carry Out Kindness.

"To help people find their soul purpose," Bette answered, when I asked her life's purpose.  One way Bette does this is through the work she does with her company, Shen Men Feng Shui.  Her business card says, "I want to help you create your space where you believe you can accomplish anything."  I love this!  Bette briefly explained the importance of being happy in our home/living space, so that it helps us be happy and productive when we're not at home.

I loved visiting with Bette. Bumping into her so many times as she was walking her dog, reminded me that throughout most of this project, I've really had little to nothing to do with the selection process of who was going to be the person of the day.  It's been as though the majority of the people I've met and included in this project were not selected by me, but rather, just placed before me. It feels like everyone I met, was someone I was supposed to meet that day.

Thank you, Bette.  Thank you for spreading kindness to us all.


Day 290 - Melayna


This is Melayna.   We met in Pioneer Courthouse Square, in Portland.  I'm pretty sure Melayna is the sweetest girl in Portland.

When we met, the happiest thing happening in Melayna's life was an upcoming trip to Europe with her family.  Melayna explained that she was going to surprise her Mom who had no idea that Melayna was going to be able to take the trip with her and Melayna's brother.  Melayna and her brother wanted to do something special for their hard-working mother and I have a feeling this surprise trip for their mom turned out to be one of her life's highlights.  Melayna spoke about her mom with so much love, it made me tear up listening to her adoration of her mother, because it's how I feel about my own mom too.

Melayna works at an optometrist's office and her act of kindness is that she goes above and beyond to connect with her patients.  "I live my life in a positive way," Melayna explained. Melayna gives freely of herself, her kindness, and her positive nature. You can see her warm spirit spilling out of her picture.

If I can't get a genuine smile from someone, it's become my preference to aim for a pensive, serious look. When I asked Melayna for a serious look, we both cracked up and totally laughed like we were old friends. We just couldn't do it.  At some point I realized there was no need to force a serious look when the person before me radiated such genuine happiness and positivity.  In Melayna's case, a more serious look would have been counter to her actual true nature. She is a little ray of sunshine.  Just look at her smile.

"I can make a difference in someone's life in just a few minutes by just allowing people to open up," Melayna answered, when I asked her life's purpose.  Melayna is in the process of transitioning from her job in the optometrist's office, to becoming a yoga instructor. Melanya's ability to instantly connect with people, combined with her kindness and positivity, is going to make her an excellent yoga instructor.  Soon, she will not only be influencing and strengthening others mentally and emotionally, but physically as well.

When I asked Melayna something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered, "Number 1, is my positivity - the way I see the world."  "There's so much beauty around us, in everyone and in every thing," Melayna added.  Melayna, you are the beauty!

Melayna and I visited for a little while longer before going our separate ways. Once again, I left feeling so grateful for the people I've met in this project.  We hugged before departing, and I was a little bit sad to say good-bye to the stranger-turned-friend that I had just met.

Melayna, thank you for your kindness and sweet nature.  You are one one amazing woman!


Day 291 - Stevzy, Dominic, and Josh


This is Stevezy (left), Dominic (center), and Josh (right), and they are half of the band, The Sindicate.  (and their friend)  I first learned of The Sindicate last year at a free convert/festival in downtown Vancouver, called Couve Fest.  Portland is rich in great talent and great bands, but I had no idea there are also some great bands in Vancouver as well.  The Sindicate being one of them.

The guys were playing at an intimate spot, The Top Shelf, so I headed down to see them again.  I knew I also needed to find a subject for the day, but I didn't realize I'd get the chance to ask some of the guys to be in the project!

Stevzy was recently the recipient of an act of kindness when his neighbor, a stranger, saw that he was injured and brought him an assortment of knee braces to help him with his recovery.  Stevzy was actually wearing one when we met!

The happiest thing happening in Dominic's life right now is his daughter.

Josh's life's purpose: "I play music to connect with people."

You can learn more about The Sindicate, here on their website.  Catch one of their shows if you can!

Thank you, guys!


Day 292 - Bex


This is Bex.  Her name is as cool as her style.

The happiest thing happening in Bex's life right now is her upcoming trip to Europe.  I thought back to Melayna from a few days before and thought how cool it would be if somehow Bex and Melayna ended up meeting, but their trips were spaced far enough apart that their paths wouldn't cross.

Bex's recent act of kindness is that she brought her co-worker a brownie.

"To positively contribute to the people around me," Bex answered, when I asked her life's purpose.  Bex fulfills this purpose in her job as a teacher.

When I asked Bex something about herself which she would considered to be a success, she answered with a huge smile, "I have two incredible cats. They are my success."  (And I think Bex's cat-eye glasses are a success, too!)

Thank you, Bex!


Day 293 - Cha Cha


This is Cha Cha. We met at the bus stop.  Cha Cha is wise beyond her years.

"My spiritual journey," Cha Cha answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.  Her thoughts are becoming reality, she explained.

Cha Cha's recent act of kindness is that she gave her co-worker bus fare.

"To wake everyone up," Cha Cha said, when I asked her life's purpose.  I asked Cha Cha how she would set out to do that, and she explained it would be through her music and speaking events.  I believe in Cha Cha. The girl has a story to tell, and I can't wait until we hear it.  I hope she's successful in becoming our alarm clock. "Everything is everything, and we're all in one," Cha Cha said to me.  I've never been able to adequately articulate or express my thoughts and feelings about my own spiritual journey, but if we've traveled the same path, you will completely understand the significance in Cha Cha's words - "Everything is everything, and we are all in one."  Someday, I will learn how to better articulate my thoughts and experiences, but the feeling of enlightenment, and of both simultaneous awe and understanding, that happens the moment we recognize the connectedness of all humans, all beings, is what Cha Cha was explaining.

"My soul is a success...the fact that I'm grounded," Cha Cha answered, when I asked something about herself which she would consider to be a success.  Cha Cha explained that she's letting go of ego, "I'm like a child, progressing."

Thank you, Cha Cha.  Safe travels.


Here's a summary of the personal mission statements and life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

  • To serve God to the best of my ability.
  • To make the world a better place.
  • I can make a difference in someone's life in just a few minutes by just allowing people to open up.  
  • I play music to connect with people.
  • To positively contribute to the people around me.
  • To wake everyone up.


Thank you to all of the subjects in this project, and to you, for following along.


Thank you.



365 More People Pictures - Week 41

Hello! Thank you for checking out week 41 of the 365 More People Pictures project.  This is my second personal challenge to take a picture of a person, every single day, for an entire year.  Each picture is taken fresh daily. I've not stockpiled photos.  The blog is currently behind a few weeks from realtime, but if you'd like to follow along daily, my Instagram username is @missellanea.

Sorry we've fallen behind.  I just want you to know the project is still happening every single day and I'm working to catch us up!


Day 280 - Myra


This is Myra.  We met at the Library.

"That I have God in my life," Myra answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.  Myra was beautifully dressed and I asked her if she had just come from church. She confirmed that my guess was correct.

Myra's recent act of kindness had just occurred in the library, when she gave a couple some money so that they could make photocopies.

"To teach, and to spread the word of God...spread the good news," Myra answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

When I asked Myra something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered that it's her children.

Thank you, Myra.


Day 281 - Tom


This is Tom. We met at a entrepreneurship workshop.

The happiest thing happening in Tom's life right now, is actually occurring because of a stressful situation.  Tom recently quit his job and is working toward starting his own business.  Tom found a silver lining in the stressful transition period of being jobless and until his new business is afloat, in that he's now able to spend a lot more time with his kids.

Tom's ride arrived before I could  ask any more questions.

Wishing you luck and success in your next venture, Tom.

Thank you!


Day 282- John


"My daughter," John answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

John works in veterinary medicine and his recent act of kindness is that he paid for a treatment for one of his patients, a dog, because the humans who rescued the dog had already paid a lot of money for other treatments.  They were totally tapped out by paying for several other, very expensive, treatments and just couldn't afford to pay for this one last thing.  John paid for the treatment and took time off from work to care for the dog on his own time.  This story still fills my heart and makes me tear up just thinking about both John's kindness, and also the people who rescued this dog. They reduced the dog not knowing its condition or the medical costs that would be involved in caring for it. They proceeded to give all they could. Hoping the dog and its new humans will live a long and healthy life together.

"To translate thoughts and feelings through art," John answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  John is also a musician and you can click here to check out his band, Spirit House.

When I asked John something about himself which he considers to be a success, he answered, "raising my beautiful daughter."

Thank you, John. Thank you for being you.


Day 283 - Jennifer


This is Jennifer.  We met near PSU.

The happiest thing happening in Jennifer's life is that she's going to graduate next year.

Jennifer's recent act of kindness is that she let me take her picture.  I love it when people realize their special gesture in letting me take their picture.  It's pretty amazing to find a person who will to take the time to stop, let me take their picture and then share a little of themselves with us.   Although I'm now very much in the habit of doing this every day and it's become my normal routine, nothing about this is normal.  I haven't, for a moment, forgotten that every single person who was willing to let me take their picture, gave me a truly special gift that day.  The people in this project are amazing.

"I just want to contribute in any way that I can," Jennifer answered, when I asked her impromptu personal mission statement.

When I asked Jennifer something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered that it was teaching her little sister how to read.

Thank you,  Jennifer.


Day 284 - Marc and Bobby


This is Marc (left) and Bobby (right.)  Marc and Bobby have both been in the project before.  One of the best things to come from this project, has been meeting these two.  Before I finally asked them to be in the project, I walked by Bobby's shoe repair shop practically every day while I was on my search for the person of the day.  Bobby owns Portland Shoe Repair, on Sandy Blvd, in the Hollywood District.  I know he works so hard. I've seen him working when when I'm on my way into work, and I've also seen him working when I've had to work late!  Marc and his other family and friends are often in to help, or simply hang out.

Now, when I'm wandering the Hollywood District, looking for a subject, questioning my decision to do this, and sometimes basically feeling like a weirdo, I'll see Bobby and/or Marc and their friendly wave hello is a great reminder to me of how much I love doing this. It gives me a sense of community.

I had just started my search for a person this day when Marc and Bobby peddled past me on their bikes.  They waved hello and we went on our separate ways. A few moments later, they rode back to me and volunteered to be in the project again.  The timing was perfect, and of course I was happy to get them for a second appearance!

"I just love life," Marc answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now. "Just making the best of every single day," Marc added. He couldn't narrow down the answer to anything specific...he truly does have a joy for life and people and I've loved meeting him.

When I asked Marc if he had recently performed an act of kindness, or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he told me a great story of a circle of kindness that doesn't seem to have an end in sight.  A while back, he didn't charge an elderly man to put taps on his shoes.  The man doesn't speak English, but the kindness wasn't lost on him.  A few days later, the man came back into the shop with fresh-baked bread, from the bakery where he works.  The man continues to bring them bread and they've done a few repairs for him as well.  I just loved hearing this story, and imagining the elder coming in to hang out with the guys at the shop and gifting them with bread.

When I asked Bobby his life's purpose, he answered, "to live up to my parents expectations, and then to go past that."  I think any parent would be so proud of Bobby.  I hope he realizes that.  I think anything else he does, is in the pursuit of living up to the expectations he has of himself.  One thing I've learned while doing this project, is that parents really just want for their children to be good, caring, decent human beings. Of course they would love for us to have a wildly successful career and financial stability, but the one thing I've heard over and over in this project, is that parents are happy and proud when they know their kids have grown into good, kind, and loving people.  Bobby is good people.

"Being where I am in life, personally," Bobby answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.  Both Marc and I anticipated that his answer would be something relating to the success of the shoe shop, but I was happy to hear that Bobby's personal life is fulfilling and successful.

Guys, thank you!  Thank you for always being so nice.  I'm so glad to have met you both.


Day 285 - Sunny


This is Sunny.  We met on a sunny morning at the bus stop.

The happiest thing happening in Sunny's life right now is that she's alive and recovering from a recent stroke.  The stroke forced Sunny into early retirement and she's concerned about financial security, as she hadn't planned to retire this early.  Through it all, she's keeping an optimistic outlook and just celebrating that she's alive and now well enough to get out on her own.

Sunny had been a hair stylist for the past 20 years, prior to her stroke.  One of her acts of kindness is that she does hair for free, for people who can't afford it.  Sunny has just recently been well and mobile enough to be able to provide this service again.

"To help people," Sunny answered, when I asked her life's purpose.  Sunny feels that through her profession, she's able to help people feel better about themselves.

Thank you, Sunny.  Wishing you good luck, and that you'll continue to be well.


Day 286 - Alicia and Adria


This is Alicia (left) and Adria (right.) They are my nieces.

The occasion was so bittersweet, as we were there for my Aunt's funeral.  Although we were sad and heavy-heated because of our Aunt's passing, it was also comforting and nice to be around family. This is the first time I've seen them both in far too long.

I've said hundreds of times throughout this project that I'm not a photographer. Until recently, I hadn't even taken a photography class of any sort.  However, when Alicia, Adria and I were trying to make a picture, their Mom (my sister-in-law) reminded us that when we were little,  I would LOVE to take Alicia and Adria's picture.  I had a little point-and-shoot film camera and my sister-in-law reminded me that Alicia and Adria were often my subjects. I really did have an itch for photography, even as a kid.  My only regret is that I waited so long to scratch that itch.

It's difficult for me to see this picture of my nieces.  In my mind, they're still tiny little girls, but now they're beautiful women, with not-so-tiny kids of their own.  They have grown into such strong and loving people.  Living away from home, it breaks my heart knowing that I've missed so much of their lives, and the lives of their kids. (my great nieces and nephews.)

"My son graduating," Alicia answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

When I asked Alicia if she had recently performed an act of kindness, or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she explained that she received an act of kindness when her parents paid for her Son's graduation party.

"To raise beautiful, confident, strong and independent children, who are also loving and caring," Alicia answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

When I asked Alicia something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she explained that it was her transformation from being a very quite and shy person, to one who is outgoing, direct, and no longer afraid of people.  She now loves and enjoys talking with people!

"My amazing family, awesome support system, and a good job," Adria answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now. "I'm living a happy life," Adria added.

"To be a support for my kids and husband, and to be a planner and consistent person for our family," Adria answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

As I'm reading my notes to write this post, I realize that I hadn't asked Adria if she had recently performed an act of kindness. I think I subconsciously, yet deliberately, skipped that question because I already knew the answer.  Adria and her husband have been such a huge help to my mom.  I consider this a huge act of kindness.  I often feel pretty awful for living so far away from my mom, and not being there to help her with things.  The only thing that gives me slight peace is knowing that Adria and her husband are so close and they check in on her often, even if it's just a phone call to visit.  Were it not for Adria and our other family being there, I could never be able to live in Portland.  I can never express how much it means to me, knowing Adria is there, and that she's the loving and caring person she is.  Adria, thank you.

When I asked Adria something about herself which she considers to be a success, she answered, "that I'm independent...I've been able to be successful with my job, and have a kid in college."  Adria added that it's a success that she didn't fall into a life of addiction.

Alicia and Adria, thank you for being in the project.  I love you both so much, and I think of you often.  We don't see each other enough, and that is entirely my fault.  Please know your presence in my heart is huge, and always will be.  I love you.

Here's a summary of the life's purpose and personal mission statements from this week's subjects:

  • To teach and to spread the word of God, and spread the good news.
  • I just want to contribute in any way that I can.
  • "To translate thoughts and feelings through art.
  • To live up to my parents expectations, and then to go past that.
  • "To help people.
  • To raise beautiful, confident, strong and independent children.
  • To be a support for my kids and husband, and to be a planner and consistent person for our family.

Thank you!




365 More People Pictures - Week 39

Hello! Thank you for stopping by to check out week 39 of the 365 More People Pictures project.

I've been taking a picture of a person, every single day, for the past 653 days. I'm not a photographer.  I completed my first 365 Day Challenge and loved it so much, I just couldn't stop.  I post each daily picture to Instagram and then post the summary of the week here on the blog.  I've fallen behind here on the blog and will catch up eventually, but if you'd like to follow along daily, my instagram username is @missellana.


Aunt Nancy


In real time, I just returned from a trip to my hometown to attend the funeral of my Aunt Nancy.  You met my Aunt Nancy in last year's project.

When I took this picture of my Aunt Nancy, I didn't know at the time, that it would be the very last time I saw her.  I'm so grateful for the moment we spent taking this picture and talking with one another.   Were it not for this project, I know I would have missed the opportunity to share in this special moment .  Our conversation would have been different, were it not for the questions in this project.

The most beautiful photo slide show played at Nancy's service.  Seeing her life, captured in photographs, reminded me of so many good times, and also introduced me to her life as a young woman, before some of my cousins were even born...her life, before our lives.

If I had known this was our last time together, I would have asked more questions. I would have hugged her a little tighter. I would have told her again how very much I loved her.  I would have thanked her for being our family's rock, our glue.  I would have told her that her's was a life that mattered.

Thank you,  Aunt Nancy.  Thank you for your love and strength.


Day 266 - R.J.


This is R.J.  We met at the bus stop.

We only had time for one question before R.J.'s " bus arrived.

"God is good," R.J. answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Thank you, R.J.


Day 267 - Tim


This is Tim. We met on the street.

When I asked Tim the happiest thing happening in his life right now, he answered, "leaving a bad job."  After talking with Tim for a few moments, I got the impression that he actually just left his job, as in, just minutes or hours earlier.  When he answered, it was as though the realization hit him that he was truly happy about his decision, even though it was probably a difficult and scary one to make.

Tim's recent act of kindness is that he's been helping his neighbor, an elderly woman, who had a broken foot.

Tim is an animator and he moved from LA to Portland.  When I asked his life's purpose, he answered, "to take my art and make it talk and move within a year."  We talked about animation prospects here in Portland and I'm hoping he'll land his dream job.  We joked that that these questions could help get him in interview mode.

"Being able to talk to anyone from the janitor to the president," Tim answered, when I asked something about himself which he considers to be a success.

You can check out Tim's work here.  One of my favorites is the set of adult Valentines!

Wishing you the best of luck, Tim.


Day 268 - Joshua


This is Joshua.  We met outside Hollywood Theater.  He was just so nice!

"Just this...today," Joshua answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Joshua's recent act of kindness is that he helped his co-workers, who weren't getting properly noticed, not only get recognition, but he also helped them to get promotions!

"To experience and enjoy life while we're here," Joshua answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Joshua something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he responded, "really enjoying life all the time."

I felt Joshua's energy and enthusiasm in just the few moments we hung out. I got the feeling that he was actually really having fun in that moment, and after we finished, it felt like he was going to move onto the next thing and enjoy it completely.  He's an in-the-moment kinda guy.  Wish I could be more like that!

Thank you, Joshua.


Day 269 - Omar



This is Omar.  We met at Starbucks.  Again, I just invited myself to join him at his table after he agreed to let me take his picture for the project.  His girlfriend joined us soon after I sat down, and we must have visited and talked for a good half-hour or longer.  I learned so much from them both, nearly all of which I can't/won't share due to Omar's circumstances.

"My family is safe," Omar answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  Omar is currently in the U.S. as a student, but the rest of his family is still in Iraq.  Omar is a poet and public figure on youtube, which is part of the reason he was forced to flee from Iraq.

Omar's recent act of kindness is that he helped his brother to get married.

"To help people, be nice, and do something good," Omar answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

Thank you for being in this project, Omar.  Wishing you success and peace.


Day 270 - Nickolaus


This is Nickolaus.  We met on the street.  I kinda love Nickolaus' unicorn hair do.

The happiest thing happening in Nickolaus' life is that he had just made travel plans to visit friends.

Nickolaus' recent act of kindness is that he let me take his picture. On the receiving end, his employer is letting him take the time off to travel to visit his friends.

"To travel and see as much of this planet as I can while I'm here, and to experience as much as I can while I'm here," Nickolaus answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Nicholas something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he was having a hard time answering.  He pointed out the exact reason why I ask this question.  Nickolaus explained that he spends so much time being hard on himself that it was hard for him to identify something positive.  We joked about his beard and his hair style being a success, but I pushed for an answer, citing the very same reason he was having trouble thinking of one.  After much consideration, Nickolaus replied, "I'm an excellent house-keeper!"  Nickolaus said that his kitchen floor, sink and counters are spotless!

Thank you, Nickolaus.


Day 271 - Karmella and Gangsta


This is Karmella and Gangsta.  Is it just me, or does Gangsta have the cutest little old man face ever?

Karmella was on  her way to class, so we only had time for one question.

"To make an impact," Karmella said, when I asked her life's purpose.

Thank you, Karmella.


Day 272 - Colin


This is Colin.  We met at the park in downtown Vancouver.

"My daughter," Colin answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Colin was recently on the receiving end of an act of kindness when he discovered that his lunch tab had been paid for, secretly,  by a friend he had bumped into at the restaurant.

"To do good or to do better, and to make sure the next day is better than the last," Colin answered, when I asked his life's purpose/personal mission statement.

When I asked Colin something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered that it was his job as a cook.  Some of his customers compliment him and tell him they come in to eat, specifically on days they know he's working.

I enjoyed talking with Colin.  We continued talking long after we were finished with the questions.  Again, I was just so thankful to this project for providing me with opportunities to talk with people who I would have otherwise never had the opportunity to meet.  Each person has touched my life in some way.

Thank you, Colin.


Here's a summary of the personal mission statements and life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

  • God is good
  • To take my art and make it talk and move within a year.
  • To experience and enjoy life while we're here.
  • To help people, be nice, and do something good
  • To travel and see as much of this planet as I can while I'm here, and to experience as much as I can while I'm here.
  • To make an impact.
  • To do good or to do better, and to make sure the next day is better than the last.

Thank you to every person in this project, and thank you for following along.

365 More People Pictures - Week 38

Hello! Thank you for checking out week 38 of the 365 More People Pictures Project.  This is my second 365 Day Project in which I'm taking a picture of a person, every single day, for an entire year.  I completed my first 365 Day Project last year and I just couldn't stop.  Without missing a day, I continued on to year two.  I should mention, I'm not a photographer.  Until getting my first DSLR just a few weeks before starting the first 365 Day project, I had never taken any classes and I didn't even know how to operate my camera.  There's just so much to learn when it comes to photography, and I haven't even scratched the surface.

I'm not sure what the future holds after this current streak is finished. I've considered going for 1000 straight days.  1000 days seems impossible - but really, it would only be another 270 days after this project.

These pictures are taken fresh daily. I don't stockpile images. The majority of the subjects in this project are strangers and usually we only get to spend a few moments together.  Also included are a few family, friends and co-workers.

I post each daily picture to Instagram.  The blog is currently behind a couple weeks from real-time, but if you'd like to follow along daily, my Instagram username is @missellanea.


Day 259 - Adrian


This is Adrian.  We met on the street, and he was in a bit of a hurry.

"I just got a job," Adrian answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Adrian's recent act of kindness is that he had just bought a soda for a homeless person at the gas station.

"That's too hard, I'm too young," Adrian replied, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or a life's purpose.

When I asked Adrian something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered that it was his success in school, and his job.

Thanks, Adrian.


Day 260 - Joe


This is Joe.  We met at Starbucks, where I pretty much just invited myself to sit down at his table.  Have you noticed that I tend to do this often?  Wow!  I never imagined I'd live a life where it was pretty common to walk up to a stranger and then sit down to have coffee with them.   This project has been so amazing and I can't even imagine going back to living an isolated life where I spent my time lost in my own thoughts.

"My family is healthy and we're spending a lot of time together...good family time," Joe answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Joe if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he explained that he received community-wide support in coping with a situation at the organization he runs.   The community stepped up and gave support during a very difficult time.

When I asked Joe his life's purpose, he answered, "to help people grow."  Joe laughed and explained that actually, "I push. I push people to grow."  I'm glad for people like Joe.  Some of us are very good at accepting help from others, and some of us need people like Joe around who push us to grow when we think we're unable to.

"My drive," Joe answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.  "I like the process of getting things done," he added.

Joe and I visited for a while longer while we enjoyed a perfect spring evening on the Starbucks patio.  I wish everyone could experience what I've been experiencing with this project.  It feels like every day I get to meet a new friend, and every day I get to feel a little more connected with this big city of ours.  If the subjects I meet each day feel even a fraction of what I feel each day, then I will feel like this mattered.

Thank you, Joe.  Keep up the excellent work in all that you do.


Day 261 - Chrissy Boo Bad


This is Chrissy Boo Bad.  We only had time for one question before CBB's bus arrived.

The happiest thing happening in Chrissy Boo Bad's life right now is, "spiritual enlightenment and personal development."

Thank you, CBB!


Day 262 - Lilly


This is Lilly.  The happiest thing happening in her life is that she had just spent two weeks in Mexico with her family.

When I asked Lilly if she had recently performed an act of kindness or if she had been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she explained that the trip was actually an act of kindness because her parents paid the for the vacation. It was hard for her, but Lilly accepted their assistance and generosity.

"I just want to be happy...that's the goal at this point," Lilly answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

When I asked Lilly something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she said that she's successfully lived without a car for 4 years and counting.  She was on her bike when we met.  I admire the huge population of bike commuters in Portland.

Thank you, Lilly.  Wishing you happiness!


Day 263 - Sanjay


This is Sanjay.  The happiest thing happening in his life right now is that he and his wife just adopted/rescued a dog from Poland.  The rescue/adoption process was quite the ordeal, and I'm so happy for Sanjay and his new little family.

When I asked Sanjay if he's recently performed an act of kindness (other than rescuing the pup) or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he told me that he works for Mercy Corps.  Sanjay's entire life is spent helping others.  Sanjay had just returned from a work trip to Nepal just a day or two before the devastating earthquake.

"To live by my principles," Sanjay answered, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or life's purpose.

When I asked Sanjay something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "I've come a long way."  He meant that figuratively and literally, explaining that he came from a small village in India, "and having been through a lot, I can now influence and help others all across the world."

Thank you, Sanjay.  Thank you for being in the project and for all the good work you do personally, and with Mercy Corps.


Day 264 - Manny


This is Manny.

"I was sick, but I got better," Manny answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

"I always perform acts of kindness," Manny answered, when I asked if he had recently performed an act of kindness or if he had been on the receiving end of an act of kindness.  He jokingly added that he let me take his picture!  I love it when people realize this.  Some subjects have trouble remembering if they've performed an act of kindness and they actually start to stress about it, not even realizing that they're actually performing an act of kindness as we're speaking.  When you think about it, it's pretty remarkable for a person to allow a stranger to take their picture and "interview" them.  It is an act of kindness to open up and take a few moments out of their day to visit with a stranger.

"To make a difference in at least one person's life...and make that person's life a little better," Manny said, is his life's purpose.

When I asked Manny something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he said that he's a College Graduate.  He's currently looking for work, but he's confident he'll find a job.

Wishing you the best of luck, Manny!  Hoping you find the perfect job!


Day 265 - Thom


This is Thom.   He's one of the owners of the Hoodsport Coffee Co.   When we make the move to our little cabin in the woods, I'll be seeing a lot of Thom and Hoodsport Coffee Co.!

The happiest thing happening in Thom's life right now is the shop, and that he gets to work with his wife.

When I asked Thom if he had recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he said that he just purchased groceries for a woman at the grocery store who was unable to pay.  The woman and her children were in the check-out line ahead of him.   When she was unable to pay, Thom stepped in and paid for everything.  He didn't want the family to go without.

"To provide community here," Thom answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  Thom is definitely fulfilling his life's purpose.  Hoodspoort Coffee Co. is the most happening place in town and what little time I've spent there so far, I've been able to gather that it really is the pulse of the community.  In addition to Thom and his wife, every time we go there, we always end up visiting with locals or tourists passing through.  The first time I ever went there, I felt that sense of community.    Someday soon, we will be joining this little community.  I'm grateful for Thom and his wife and the Hoodsport Coffee Co. for more reasons than just their coffee and friendly service!  When the time comes to move and if I want to continue this project or something similar, this is the best place in town to meet people!

Thank you, Thom!  Thank you for being in the project and building community.


Here's a summary of the life's purpose or personal mission statements from this week's subjects:

  • To help people grow.
  • Spiritual enlightenment and personal development.
  • I just want to be happy.
  • To live by my principles.
  • To make a difference in at least one person's life...and make that person's life a little better,
  • To provide community here.

Thank you to every person in this project, and thank you again for following along!


365 More People Pictures - Week 37

Hello and thank you for stopping by to check out week 37 of the 365 More People Pictures project. Happy Mother's Day to everyone who nurtures.  And Mom, thank you for being the best mom.  I didn't make it easy for you.  I love you, and appreciate everything you do, and all that you are.


Day 252 - Laura


This is Laura. We met at the park.

"My children," Laura answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

When I asked Laura if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she explained she was actually the recipient of an act of kindness right then.  Her Mother-in-Law was watching her youngest so she was able to be out for a while.

"To be a Mom...I think I knew that since I was little," Laura answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

When I asked Laura something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she said that she didn't really feel like she was there yet.  "I feel like I'm not done with school, not working...I'm just a Mom."

I've been thinking about Laura, and noticed that we have a tendency, when identifying our successes, to consider only past or completed achievements.  Some of our greatest successes are actually happening in the present.  A success isn't always a past accomplishment. Some of our greatest successes are simply the way we live currently and that which we're currently striving to achieve.  Finishing a marathon isn't so much about race day when you set out to do 26.2 miles and cross that finish line - it's about the months of training that you put in before that day.  The success isn't that you completed 26.2 miles, crossed a finish line and earned a medal.  Race day is more like thousands of people getting together in celebration of their months and months of successful training.  We can place so much value on crossing the finish line, that we  forget to celebrate that which got us to the start line.

Thank you, Laura.  You're a living success. You're a Mom.


Day 253 - Andy


This is Andy.  We met on the street. I could tell he was in a hurry, but he stopped to let me take his picture and quickly answer the questions.

"My kids," Andy said, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Andy's recent act of kindness was that he reached out to a relative.

"Fulfillment," Andy answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Andy something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "balance."

Thank you, Andy.


Day 254 - John


This is John.  We met walking down the street.

The happiest thing happening in John's life right now is that he's getting married in September.

John's recent act of kindness is that he mowed and aerated his elderly neighbor's lawn.  John is about the sweetest neighbor ever.  I wish all elders could have a next door neighbor as nice as John.

"To help others," John answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  John is currently going to school to become a doctor.  A Carhartt-wearing, lawn-aerating, neighborly doctor is pretty much the best kind of doctor in the world.  I think John is going on to do great things and help many people.

"My ability to put others at ease," John answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, John.  Best wishes to you.


Day 255 - Justine


This is Justine.   We met walking down the street. She looked a little lost, but I found her.

The happiest thing happening in her life right now is her new job being a Nanny for a family she really likes and enjoys.

Justine's recent act of kindness is that she helped her overwhelmed roommate by doing her dishes. Justine knows how busy her roommate is currently, and she's been doing extra chores to help her roommate however she can. "It's small," Justine minimized.  But to her roomie, it's probably a huge relief!

"I'm just figuring myself out," Justine answered, when I asked her life's purpose or personal mission statement.  Like Justine, I think we're all just trying to figure ourselves out.

"I made it here from New Jersey," Justine answered, when I asked something about herself which she would consider to be a success.  Have you noticed how many people we've met who have just completely uprooted and started a brand new life for themselves?  It takes a grand sense of adventure and faith to make such a bold move.  I'm inspired by Justine and everyone like her.

After we were finished, I asked Justine if she was lost, explaining she appeared to have been looking for something when I approached her.  She said she was looking for the shoe repair shop.     I walk by there every day and two of the guys have been subjects in this project, so I knew exactly where she wanted to go.  I walked with Justine down to the shop where we said our good-byes and well-wishes.

Thank you, Justine.


Day 256 - Johnny D.


This is Johnny D.  we met at Mt. Tabor Park.

I regretted not having a recorder.  Johnny D's answers were all so poetic, but there was no way I could keep up to him with just a pen and journal.  He was special, and so articulate, I wish I could have done a better job of capturing his words.

"Music - inspirational music with great friends," Johnny D. said, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Johnny D. if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he answered, "I try to practice intentional and random acts of kindness."  Johnny D. explained that he's a "professional philanthropist, environmentalist, and justice activist."  Johny D.'s life's work, his job, is actually performing kindness.   "I'm just trying to make the world a better place," Johnny D. added.  Wow!

"To lovingly and ingeniously activate people to consciously celebrate, and make the world a better place through play,"  Johnny D. said, is his personal mission statement.

When I asked Johnny D. something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "the ability to balance wonderful extremes: work & play, discipline & improvisation, focus and release, and being able to dance with equipoise between the two."

Johnny D. is the kind of person with whom you just want to talk with for hours and hours.

Thank you for all you do, Johnny D.  Thank you.


Day 257 - Patrick


This is Patrick.

"Meeting my goal physique," Patrick answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Patrick was recently on the receiving end of an act of kindness when the person in line ahead of him at a coffee shop, bought his coffee.

"Travel," Patrick said, is his life's purpose.

Something about himself which he considers to be a success, is that he graduated college in 4 years.

Thank you, Patrick.


Day 258 - Buggsy and Ozzy.


This is Gary, but his friends call him Buggsy.  He was out walking his dog when we met.  His dog, I would guess to be a Bichon Frise, is named Ozzy. "After Ozzy Osbourne," Buggsy said. Buggsy is one of the few people who actually talked to me first.  He said hello as I walked near his direction, remarked about my camera and told me I would get lots of great pictures in the park.  Instead of continuing onto the park which is where I was headed when I met Buggsy and Ozzy, I explained the project and asked Buggsy if I could take his picture.  Buggsy was just an absolutely charming person.

"Being able to walk my dog, my health, and being able to say hi to people like you," Buggsy answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.


When I asked Buggsy if he's recently performed an act of kindness or been on the receiving end of kindness, he said that he enjoys meeting people.  He often walks downtown near the park and talks with homeless people. He tries to help them in ways that will keep them healthy and moving in a direction to help their lifestyle.  Buggsy said that he's aware he can't change their lifestyle, but he can help provide direction.

Buggsy then added that on the receiving end, he receives love and kindness from people.  As we were talking, Buggsy said hello to every person who walked by.  I gathered that he knew several people, and those he didn't, he greeted anyway, just as he had greeted me.  Buggsy gives so much kindness, if he receives back only a fraction of all that he gives, he would be a very rich man.  Rich in love and kindness.

"To be honest, fair and kind. I've done that in business and throughout my life in general," Buggsy said, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Buggsy something about himself which he considers to be a success, he dismissed success in business and said that his greatest success was his marriage of 44 years. His wife recently passed away, and now Buggsy and Ozzy are now doing their best to continue on without her.

Buggsy is another great and kind soul and I'm so glad this project has led me to meet so many beautiful people.  When we were finished, we said goodbye with a handshake and we both left with tears in our eyes. Well, I know I had tears in my eyes and I'm pretty sure Buggsy did too.  He repeatedly thanked me for visiting with him and taking his picture.  There was nothing I could say to make him realize that it was I who was grateful and thankful for him.

Thank you, Buggsy.  Thank you for being you.

Here's a summary of the life's purposes and personal mission statements from this week's subjects:

  • To be a Mom
  • Fulfillment.
  • To help others.
  • I'm just figuring myself out.
  • To lovingly and ingeniously activate people to consciously celebrate, and make the world a better place through play.
  • Travel.
  • To be honest, fair and kind.


Thank you to each and every subject in the project, and to you for following along.



365 More People Pictures - Week 36

Hello! This is week 36 of the 365 More People Pictures project. These are the subjects from a couple of weeks ago.  In real-time, I just wrapped up week 38.  If you'd like to follow along daily, my Instagram username is @missellanea.


Day 245 - Clement


This is Clement. We met at the bus.

Recently, I've been asking subjects to give me a serious look.  If I can't catch people in a genuine laugh or smile, then I've been aiming for something more pensive.  Clement was quite warm and friendly.  I didn't even have to ask him to give ma serious look a "serious" look. When it came time for the photos, Clement naturally just defaulted to this serious, stoic look and when I look at this picture, I see a determined person.

"I'm happy to work...I like work," Clement answered when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

We had a bit of a language barrier to overcome. When I asked Clement if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he asked me to explain. I re-phrased the question and instead asked if he's recently done anything nice for anyone, or if anyone has been nice to him. A beautiful smile came across is face when he said that he had just visited his Mom in Mexico.

When I asked Clement his life's purpose, we again worked through our language challenge.  At first I thought I may have made things even more confusing in my second attempt at the question when I asked Clement, "why are you here...in life?"  "I'm here to work...I want to have a good life," Clement answered.  It doesn't matter in what language it's said, we all desire happiness and a good life.  The puzzling part, is learning how to define "good".

Thank you, Clement.  Wishing you a good life.


Day 246 - Erika


This is Erika.  We also met at the bus during quite a rain storm.

"Improved health," Erika answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

When I asked Erika if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she replied, "both...I try to practice daily."

"To help other people, women in particular," Erika said, is her life's purpose.

I asked Erika something about herself which she would consider to be a success and she replied, "I have a 19-year-old who is kind, sweet and giving."

Thank you, Erika.


Day 247 - Rob


"Having the summer off and doing a lot of hiking," Rob said, is the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Rob if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he explained that he makes that his lifestyle - he tries to make kindness happen as much as he can.

"I know it sounds cliché or stupid, but a good rule of thumb is to always treat everyone you encounter, as a person," Rob answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement. I told Rob it wasn't at all cliché.  It's quite perfect.

"I'm happy that I'm a compassionate person," Rob answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, Rob.


Day 248 - Novalicious


This is Novalicious.  We met on the street.

"I'm in the most amazing, caring relationship," Novalicious answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now. Novalicious went on to add that she's also happy because her work is great, her kitties are healthy, and her parents are healthy.

Novalicious' recent act of kindness is that she bought a meal for a homeless person she met around the food carts.

When I asked Novalicious her life's purpose, she answered, "to love and be kind and to wish everybody happiness, and when I'm not shown that kindness, to be understanding." Novalicious has it all figured out and I'm striving to be more like her.

I asked Novalicious something about herself which she would consider to be a success and she answered, "I survived!"

Thank you, Novalicious!


Day 249 - Katrina


This is Katrina.  We met at the bus stop.

"I'm getting my girls back," Katrina answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

When I asked Katrina if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she explained that she's currently living in a program for women who are in the process of regaining custody of their children.

There are times when I've kept the confidence of the subjects I've met because I've felt like it was a special and personal interaction between us. In Katrina's situation, her story is a happy one and it's ok to share a little.

I wondered why Katrina had lost her children.  Knowing she was in the process of regaining custody, I read between the lines and gathered that Katrina may have battled addiction and must have made some positive life changes.  I asked if she was now clean & sober and she confirmed she was.  I was so touched by Katrina, her sheer love for her kids, and her excitement that she would soon be reunited with them.  I couldn't hold back the tears, but they were happy tears.  I was so happy for Katrina and the changes she's made in her life.  It's more like she's reclaiming her true self, rather than starting new.

"To be a good Mom to my kids, and to help others," Katrina answered, when I asked her life's purpose."  "First, I have to help myself," Katrina added, knowing that taking care of her own self, was critical for everything she's about to do.

When I asked Katrina something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered, "my recovery."

Thank you, Katrina.  Wishing you and your family success, love and happiness. You can do it!


Day 250 - Stephen & Michael


This is Stephen (left) and Michael (right).

I asked Stephen the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he answered, "money!"  He jokingly added that he was buying his happiness.  Stephen recently came into some money and he shared that he's been having fun spending and indulging, and perhaps going a little wild.  I couldn't help myself.  I may have accidentally mom'd Stephen.  Ok, I totally mom'd Stephen and reminded/lectured him to also be smart with his newfound money!  I know, I know.  I couldn't help it.  Luckily, he was a very good sport and we all laughed about my mom moment.

I asked Michael if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness and he answered that Stephen had just bought him a bike!  Joking aside, I thought it was pretty cool for Stephen to treat his friends to such nice gifts.

"To be awesome," Stephen said, when I asked his life's purpose.  The three of us laughed at Stephen's answer.

I asked Michael something about himself which he would consider to be a success and he answered, "my daughter."

Thank you, Stephen & Michael.


Day 251 - Cat


This is Cat.  We met at the mall.

"My job," Cat answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

"I try to do nice things," Cat answered, when I asked if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness.

Cat's life's purpose, "making people look and feel good."  I had guessed Cat was either a tattoo artist or hair stylist because of her awesome style.  Her answer confirmed that she's a hair stylist.  I love that Cat places value on her profession and that she sees the worth of service that she's providing.  When we're confident in the way we look, that confidence spills over and we really do feel better.

"I recently lost 40 pounds," Cat answered, when I asked something about herself which she considers to be a success.  Nice work!

Thank you, Cat!


Here's a summary of the personal mission statements and life's purposes of this week's subjects:

  • I'm here to work...I want to have a good life.
  • To help other people, women in particular.
  • Always treat everyone you encounter, as a person.
  • To love and be kind and to wish everybody happiness, and when I'm not shown that kindness, to be understanding.
  • To be a good Mom to my kids, and to help others.
  • To be awesome.
  • Making people look and feel good.

Thank you for following along on this project!  Sometimes I just get completely overwhelmed when I think about all of the incredibly kind and amazing people we've met. It feels like I'm not doing enough to convey just how beautiful people are.  I feel like I can't even find the right words to express how this has impacted me.  I feel like this has been a privilege and I'm ruining it by being an inferior writer.  At the very least, I just hope that maybe by reading about the people in this project, it will inspire you to be curious and visit with people you may have otherwise just let pass you by.

Thanks again.

365 More People Pictures - Week 35

Hi! These are the subjects from week 35 of the 365 More People Pictures project.

Day 238 - Sandy


This is Sandy.   We met at the park, where he was out walking his dog, Henry.  Actually, I sort of approached Sandy and Henry at the very moment Henry was doing his doggy business, and for that reason, I don't think Henry was all that pleased with me.

"Henry went outside today," Sandy answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  I gathered from Sandy's statement that Henry is in training.


Sandy's recent act of kindness is that he purchased shaving cream so that his daughter could swirl-color Easter eggs. (I'm running behind. This was Easter.)

"I'm really devoted to my wife and daughter," Sandy answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Sandy something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "I taught Henry how to go outside."

Thank you, Sandy & Henry.


Day 239 - Erik.


This is Erik.  We met at a restaurant where my friends had taken me for my birthday dinner. Erik was our server.

The happiest thing happening in his life right now is spending time with his 9 year old daughter.

When I asked Erik if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he answered, "my whole life I've been on the giving end."  Erik then explained that he was on the receiving end of an act of kindness when he got this new job.

"To be a good example for my kids," Erik answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Erik something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered that he played in the NFL for 9 years. If he looked familiar to you, you were right!  This is Erik Wilhelm, quarterback.   Erik played for OSU and was drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals.  He then went on to play for the Phoenix Cardinals and NY Jets!  You can learn more about Erik's football career here.  But, he's so nice, you could probably just ask him about it in person at The Top Shelf in Vancouver!

I thought it was pretty cool that a former NFL player was just an awesome, humble man who just wants to be a good influence for his kids.

I just never know who I'm going to meet in this project!

Thank you, Erik!


Day 240 - Alan


This is Alan.  We met at the bus stop. Unfortunately, our interaction was quite brief because the bus arrived just as we got started.

"My job," Alan answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

It turned out that Alan is an acquaintance of one of my co-workers!  I love it when that happens!

Thank you, Alan.


Day 241 - Brenden


This is Brenden.  We met on the street.  Does this picture make you think of the "Ponyboy" movie picture too? (The brunette Ponyboy.)

The happiest thing happening in Brenden's life right now was that he and his girlfriend just moved into their first place.  For Brenden, it's actually the first time that he's had a residence to call his own.  He's been living on his own since High School, but he's been staying on friend's couches and now he's happy to have his very own place.

I asked Brenden if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness and he explained that he was recently on the receiving end of an act of kindness  when his boss gave him sort of a gift/bonus of $100 so that he could go to Seattle.  Brenden had never been to Seattle and his boss knew that Brenden really couldn't afford to go, so he gave him an extra $100.  Brenden loved seeing Seattle for the first time!

"To make people laugh," Brenden answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  Brenden has aspirations to be a comedian.  It was tough choosing a picture to show you.  Given Brenden's aspirations in comedy, I thought I should share one of the more light-hearted, laughing pictures, but I chose this one because he did a great squinch and I just felt there was a lot more to Brenden.  This picture shows his depth.  And, I think it does remind me of Ponyboy.

"The fact that I'm still laughing," Brenden answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.  Life hasn't been easy for Brenden, but not only is he still standing and laughing, but his life's purpose is to give laughter to others as well.

Thank you, Brenden.  Wishing you luck and success!


Day 242 - Tucker


This is Tucker.  This was another short, too short, interaction as his bus arrived after the very first question I asked.

"I just got accepted into college," Tucker answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Thank you, Tucker!


Day 243 - Travis


This is Travis. We met on the street.

"I have a girlfriend," Travis answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Travis had just been on the receiving end of an act of kindness just moments before we met.  He was riding his bike and accidentally dropped his seat cover which he had removed and placed in his pack.  Another cyclist picked it up, chased after Travis,  and returned the seat cover.

"Be kind," Travis answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Travis something about himself which he would consider to be a success, I read a look of complete satisfaction come across his face.  He reached up his hands, petted his beard and answered with a grin, "this beard."  Yes, that is a successful beard, even by Portland standards.

Thank you, Travis!


Day 244 -  Chris


This is Chris.  We met at the convenience store where he was working. Chris saved the project which was 8 minutes away from failure!

This was not a good day.  An earlier trip to the dentist left me in so much pain that I didn't feel like going out in search of a subject. I decided that my husband would be the person of the day.  We only had a few minutes minutes for me to take his picture before he had to leave for work. Already pressed for time, my camera started doing some weird stuff I had never seen it do!  I've still only scratched the surface on how to operate my new camera and because it's several steps up from my first camera, it's much easier to really screw things up, especially because I'm still learning!  I wasted several of our few short minutes together, trying to figure out what I had done wrong with the camera settings.  I finally managed to get a picture.

I didn't sit down to process the picture and post it on instagram until after 11:00 pm.  When I saw the condition of the picture, I was pretty upset that I couldn't even take a decent picture of my own husband.  It was awful...probably the most unflattering photo of him ever! I've seriously taken better pictures of him when he's been sound asleep with the dog, and the dog is practically sleeping on my husband's head and smooshing his face into the pillow. (Any picture where a dog is asleep on another person's head is a good picture.)   I knew my husband would eventually get over me posting such a horrible picture, but I just couldn't do that to him. It would have been embarrassing for us both.

Still in terrible pain, I got dressed and headed for the convenience store nearest my house in search of a new subject.   It seemed like the only people there were under-age kids and with a few exceptions, everyone in the project has been an adult.  I asked the cashier if I could take his picture for the project, but he was beyond camera shy.  No amount of encouragement on my part, could convince him to let me take his picture. He would have made for a great subject, but he wasn't having any of it. I totally understand that some people don't want to be on the internet and I completely respect that and I don't push it when I sense that Ive met someone who is opposed to social media/internet. I just got the sense this guy was lacking confidence and that with enough encouragement, he would let me take his picture. Ultimately, I was hoping I'd take a great picture of him and it would help to boost his self-esteem.  I even explained that the fate of the entire project was resting on his portrait, but he declined.

I was hurting so much, I felt like I only had two options. End the project, or post the awful picture of my husband.  I decided to suck it up and consider a 3rd option...I could race to the other nearest convenience store and hope there would be someone there.  So, I did it!  I made it to the other store with less than 10 minutes before midnight.  I rushed through the door of the store, in pain and probably looking desperate. I quickly explained to the cashier that I only had a few minutes to take a picture of a person before midnight, for my 365 Day project. I asked Chris he would let me take his picture and he agreed, and he did so with a smile and kindness! I was so happy to have met Chris!

"Spending time with my son," Chris answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Chris' recent act of kindness is that he babysat 7 kids!  A friend of his was going into the hospital to deliver a baby and Chris watched her other children and the children of those close to her so that they could also go and support her during her delivery.  See, he is a great guy!

"To try to uphold my values and morals," Chris answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Chris something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "my time working here."

Thank you, Chris!  Thank you for your kindness and for saving the project.  You are awesome!


Here's a summary of the life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

  • I'm really devoted to my wife and daughter.
  • To be a good example for my kids.
  • To make people laugh.
  • Be kind.
  • To try to uphold my values and morals.

Thank you!

365 More People Pictures - Week 34

Hello! Thank you for checking in on week 34 of the 365 More People Pictures project.  I'm sorry I've managed to fall behind in the blog posts. I've still continued to take a picture of a person, every single day.  It's been a crazy few weeks and catching up has been a challenge.   I'll catch us up soon!  In the meantime, if you'd like to follow along daily, my Instagram username is @missellanea.


Day 231 - Estrellalinda


This is Estrellalinda.  We met at the park.

"The success of my career," Estrellalinda answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.  Estrellalinda is a chef at a local restaurant.

When I asked Estrellalinda if she's recently performed an act of kindness, she answered, "it's something I do on the daily."  The most recent act of kindness to come to mind was that she had paid a visit to an elderly friend who resides in the care facility where Estrellalinda once worked.  The woman just loved Estreallalinda's cooking, so  Estrellalinda brought her some treats, visited, and made plans to come back soon for another visit.

When I asked Estrellalinda if she had a personal mission statement, she answered, "don't fear, just live." Estrellalinda added that we have to take risks to find love and happiness.

"I'm starting to be a successful Mother," Estrellalinda answered, when I asked something about herself which she would consider to be a success.  I didn't know when I approached Estrellalinda, but she was keeping a watchful eye on her daughter who was playing on the playground just a little ways from where Estrellalinda was sitting.   Estrellalinda's daughter probably felt like she had a little bit of space and freedom to spread her wings, but I could see Estrellalinda watching her baby bird the entire time we were talking.

When we were finished with the picture and the questions, Estrellalinda pointed her daughter out to me and I asked if she was friends with the other little girl she was playing with.  "No, they just met," Estrellalinda explained.  I then remarked how amazing kids are at meeting new friends and wondered when we, adults, lost our ability to go meet a new friend on the playground.  Estrellalinda laughed  and pointed out how we had just successfully struck up a conversation, just like the kids on the playground.  We laughed and visited more.  Estrellalinda confided areas where she felt she wanted to improve on being a mother, and I confided that the thought of being a mother was just too big of a challenge for me, so I don't have kids.  I am always truly in awe of parents, and especially mothers.

Estrellalinda said that going to the park was her daughter's idea.  In the past, Estrellalinda would have probably passed on the park in favor of just taking care of all of life's other busy-work, but she now stops to take the time to have fun whenever they can.  Estrellalinda gave the credit to her daughter, saying, "she's teaching me how to be a good Mom."

Thank you, Estrellalinda!  Best wishes of happiness for you and your daughter.


Day 232 - Gabrielle


This is Gabrielle.  We met as we were crossing the street together.  Can you believe that Gabrielle doesn't actually like having her picture taken and she recently decided to get better about it.  I feel so lucky to have bumped into Gabrielle!  This is one of my favorite portraits. Gabrielle is a beautiful person, and somehow, we both made a good picture together.  It's just so funny that a young woman who doesn't like having her picture taken, and I, someone who can't even call themselves a photographer, managed to create a beautiful image, in spite of ourselves.  I love this picture and this fun little moment shared with such a lovely person.

"I'm starting a new chapter here," Gabrielle answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.  Gabrielle recently moved to Portland and she's happy to be "digging roots" here.  She feels like she's becoming part of the community.

"I feel like every day the universe gives me kindness," Gabrielle answered, when I asked if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness.  Gabrielle added that she had given someone food the day before.

When I asked Gabrielle her life's purpose, she answered, "helping to empower people in the world, especially women."  Gabrielle works in alternate healing and she's able to help empower people through body work.  When people are well and feel good, they're empowered.

"My ability to fail," Gabrielle answered, when I asked her something about herself which she would consider to be a success.  Gabrielle explained that failures have provided her with the opportunity for growth. "I'm learning how to learn," Gabrielle added.   If she has a setback or failure, now she just picks herself back up, learns what she can from the failure, and moves on.  Such amazing wisdom from a young person.  It takes some of us several decades to view our failures as an opportunity for growth.

Very best wishes for you, Gabrielle. I hope we/Portland welcomes you and that you find your home here.


Day 233 - Nemo


This is Nemo. We met walking down the street.

"Painting," Nemo answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  You can check out Nemo's work on his website or Instagram.  I couldn't stop looking!

When I asked Nemo if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness, he explained that he's been on the receiving end of kindness in the compliments he's received.

"Making things," Nemo answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

"Trying to make things," Nemo answered when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, Nemo!  Keep making things!


Day 234 - Jonny


This is Jonny.  We met at the mall.

The happiest thing happening in his life right now is the birth of his baby sister.

"I try to pay it forward," Jonny answered, when I asked if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness. Jonny is involved with the group, Tattoos Cure Cancer.

"To make the world a better place than when I came into it," Jonny said, is his life's purpose.

When I asked Jonny something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered that it was that he's a friendly person, even though people could look at him covered in tattoos and possibly judge him to be otherwise. "Don't judge a book by its cover," Jonny added.

Jonny was a sweetheart and it's been my experience, at least with my friends and acquaintances, the more ink one has, the bigger their heart.   I'm not sure if it's the same feeling everywhere in the country, but at least in Portland, it doesn't feel like there's even much of a stigma attached to being heavily tattooed anymore.

Thank you, Jonny!


Day 235 - James


This is James, a Portland Police Officer.  We met when he was on break at Starbucks.

The happiest thing happening in his life right now is that his daughter is getting married in New York.  Although he was so happy for his Daughter and her wedding, he was a little nervous about the trip to the big city!

James' most recent act of kindness is that he helped a person change a flat tire on the freeway.  This is such a big fear of mine.  Whenever I see someone stalled on the side of the highway, I get so nervous for them.  Something "minor" like a flat tire, can quickly turn into a tragedy.  Not only was James' assistance an act of kindness, but it's pretty brave too.

"Go out and do your job every day, even if you don't feel like you're making a difference," James answered, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement.

When I asked James something he does that helps to spread a little ripple of kindness, James said that lately he's been letting more people go with a warning instead of giving them a ticket!  Yay!   He added that some people need to get tickets, but when he can, he's just been giving warnings.

"My everyday life is pretty good...good wife, good kids," James said, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, James!


Day 238 - Meghan


This is Meghan.  We met just walking down the street.

The happiest thing happening in her life is that she had friends in town, visiting from Boston.

Meghan was recently on the receiving end of an act of kindness when someone gave up their seat on the bus so that Meghan, who had a lot of bags, could sit down.

"To help people and help them actualize their potential," Meghan answered, when I asked her life's purpose.  Meghan does energy work.

When I asked Meghan something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered, "having the bravery to move across country."  Meghan and her sister moved from Boston, not knowing anyone but each other.  I thought it took courage when I moved just 235 miles from home, so I've always admired people who've had the courage to completely uproot themselves and re-plant themselves on the other side of the country.

Thank you, Meghan!  Good luck in Portland!


Day 237 - Mike


This is Mike.  We met downtown.

"I'm healthy and my wife and I are happy," Mike answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Mike's recent act of kindness is that he helped his friends move.

When I asked Mike his life's purpose, he answered on behalf of he and his wife, "our goal is not to do anything bad while we're here on earth, and to travel, learn and explore as much as possible."  One thing that I noticed in talking with Mike, even for just a few moments, is that even though he wasn't with his wife at the moment, he answered several questions using "we" and "our."  I loved seeing the true partnership he shares with his wife, even when she's not in his presence.  They're truly one unit.

"I've managed to make and maintain a lot of great friendships," Mike answered, when I asked something about himself which he considers to be a success.  He still has friends from childhood.

Thank you, Mike.


Here's the summary of personal mission statements and life's purpose from this week's subjects:

  • Don't fear, just live.
  • Helping to empower people in the world, especially women."
  • Making things.
  • To make the world a better place than when I came into it.
  • Go out and do your job every day, even if you don't feel like you're making a difference.
  • To help people and help them actualize their potential.
  • Our goal is not to do anything bad while we're here on earth, and to travel, learn and explore as much as possible.



Thank you for following along!



365 More People Pictures - Week 33

Hello! Thank you for stopping by to meet the people from week 33!


Day 224 - Oliver & Jaka


This is Oliver and Jaka.  We met at the bus stop.

I've found it best to split up the questions when a group or couple is the photo of the day.  You'll notice that I still really shy away from couples and groups.   Before starting this project, I didn't pause to think about shooting a quick little snap of a group or couple. It was fun and you just want to capture the moment.  And really, it's easy to take a cute picture of a couple or group with a camera phone or point & shoot.  When you're first learning a DSLR, sometimes you'll want to throw up your hands, shouting,  "I give up! My iPhone is easier!"

One thing I learned quickly as I started to dive into educating myself about photography and when I got my first DSLR, is that it's actually very easy to take a bad picture or ruin a picture of a group or couple.  As you begin to learn more about composition, things that never used to bother you, become nagging challenges to overcome.  Little things such as differences in height or lop-sided gaps or negative spaces between people now jump out at me and I get bummed when I don't catch them during the shot.  It sticks out so much now, it can prevent me from enjoying a photo.  Now, I can't just simply shoot a quick little photo of my girlfriends and be happy about it.  Now, I look at the picture and see all of these things I should have done differently.  Of course it happens with single portraits as well, but with couples or groups,  the challenges are multiplied and for that reason, I've been a bit intimidated by couples and groups.  The only way to improve is with practice, so I'm forcing myself to rise to the challenge.  Plus, it's always great talking with a group of people!

When I asked Oliver the happiest thing happening in his life right now, he looked over at Jaka with adoration in his eyes and simply answered, "Jaka."  Awwwww.

When I asked Jaka if she recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she paused and then answered, "I think....you."  Yes! She was so right! I love it when people catch that they're in the middle of performing an act of kindness simply by taking the time to talk to me, a complete stranger, and allowing me to take their picture and share a little of their lives here with you.

I asked Oliver his life's purpose and he answered, "to write a film that will change at least one person's life."  It sounds like Oliver has been quite prolific and he's created several films.  The next step, which is even harder than actually birthing an idea and giving it life, is then figuring out how to share it with the world.  I wished Oliver good luck, and can't wait till we can all see one of his films!

When I asked Jaka something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered, "having an attitude of gratitude, and I feel that we're all equal."

Oliver and Jaka were such a sweet and loving couple and I'm so glad I set aside my fear of couples/groups and allowed myself to meet them!

Wishing you both love and success!

Thank you.


Day 225 - Deontae


This is Deontae.  We also met at the bus stop.

I'm running a bit behind, but when I asked Deontae the happiest thing happening in his life right now, he answered that he was happy he would find out the following Wednesday, if he got the job for which he had been hoping.   Deontae was a great guy, and I hope he got the job.  Maybe I'll bump into him again and find out the good news!

I asked Deontae if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he answered that he gives money to homeless people. He explained that he's been there before and knows what a difference a few dollars can make.

When I asked Deontae his life's purpose, he answered, "to get married, have a family, move overseas, and pursue a career in architecture."   Deonatae's ambitions are both grand and simple at the same time.

I asked Deontae something about himself which he would consider to be a success and when he answered, his entire face lit up.  "Being happy-spirited...it's gotten me far in life," Deontae beamed. I loved witnessing his happy spirit and I just knew that if he shined like that in his interview, the new job is his!

Wishing you great luck, Deontae!


Day 226 - Aaron


This is Aaron.  We met on the street.

The happiest thing happening in Aaron's life right now is his home, and building a garden with his partner.

When I asked Aaron if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he explained that in general, he's a friendly and nice person.  Although you can't tell in the picture, Aaron has really long hair, and just as he was answering this question, another "fellow long-hair" walked by and made a comment and gestured to their matching long locks.  Aaron complimented the man on his hair and I cracked up watching the instant connection the two formed.

"To be of service to others," Aaron answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  Aaron does this by bringing his Midwest hospitality to the Northwest and sharing his friendly disposition.  He really is a friendly guy.  When I approached Aaron, it dawned on me that once again, my memory card was at home in my laptop.  I usually always carry spares but I had been completely off-routine for several days and working out of three different camera bags. (which is just asking for trouble.)  Aaron was so cool and easy-going.  He explained he had time to kill before his movie started and would wait if I wanted to run to buy a new memory card at the Rite Aid across the street.  His chill demeanor helped me to keep chill too.  I walked back to my car to get my wallet and in the process of doing so, I remembered I DID bring spare cards!!  Hanging out with Aaron was just like hanging out with a friend who goes with the flow until things sort themselves out.  I was glad to have met Aaron.

"I don't suck at life," Aaron answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, Aaron. Thank you for being so friendly.


Day 227 - Lou


This is my friend, Lou.  Yes, you've seen him before in last year's project.

I met with Lou, and my friend Debbie, and by time we finished with what we were doing, it was way too late to go out in search of a subject.  Lou was nice enough to make his second appearance in the project.  Plus, I'm really glad he did, because now I can share some of his band's pictures too!

I asked Lou the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he answered, "a new venture!"  I'll share more about that in the future.

When I asked Lou if he's recently performed an act of kindness, at first he couldn't think of an answer and then it finally hit him - he and Debbie are responsible for our whole "Project Brown Bag" movement, in which we give out brown lunch bags filled with snacks to homeless people we see on street corners.  Were it not for Debbie and Lou, it would be really easy to slip out of the habit of carrying "brown bags" in our car.  (Sometimes weeks can go by before I refill my stock, but Debbie and Lou always send us away with more brown bags to hand out.

"When you leave the world, leave it a better place," Lou answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

"My leadership abilities," Lou answered, when I asked something about himself which he considers to be a success.

Lou just formed a new band, "Vasoline."  They do primarily Stone Temple Pilots covers.  Lou has been playing with his former band for several years.  It was mainly a bunch of guys who got together for fun.  I was bummed to hear they were moving on, but happy to hear Lou was starting a new band and he was going to be the lead singer!  Lou sang with his old band every once in a while, and he was good, but I didn't know what to expect with his new band.


They had their first show just a couple weeks ago and I was completely blown away!  I was so happy and impressed with the band, and especially Lou!  I had no idea that he had a total rock star hidden underneath his laid back, low stress, soft-spoken demeanor.  He killed it!  They all did!  It was so awesome!  I got pretty wrapped up in taking photographs and the lighting, or lack there of, was a huge challenge so sometimes I was pretty engrossed in my camera.  Later, on my way home,  I got goose bumps just thinking about how great they did. The sound was excellent and you would never have guessed this was their first show!









I was so proud of Lou and his new band, and can't wait to see & hear 'em again!


Day 228 - Courtney



This is Courtney.  We met at Starbucks.

I love this picture!  When we attempted a "serious" picture, both Courtney and I cracked up and couldn't stop laughing and smiling.  This was one of the in-between pictures and I just love it!  Some of my very favorite photos are the "in-betweens" I've caught when I've just kept shooting in-between "real" photos.   Knowing this, I now know to keep shooting the "in-betweens" and I can just "feel" when an "in-between" shot is really going to be the shot I was looking for.

Recently, I tried to shoot a large family portrait and even deliberately set up an "in-between" shot by staging a fake posed shot, followed by a pause before the next "posed" or deliberate shot.  During the in-between, if you can manage to say something funny or get people to do something silly, or ridiculous, the in-between will likely become the money shot.  It wasn't working for my large group photo, probably because I tried too hard.  With Courtney, we were genuinely having a fun time and I was lucky enough to capture it.  She's a beautiful girl, and I was just happy to spend a brief moment, on a warm sunny patio, talking to a complete stranger who felt more like talking with a friend.

"My daughter," Courtney answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

When I asked Courtney if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of kindness, she gave me a what-a-coincidence-look and held up the book she had been reading.  Courtney is going to school and has hopes of becoming an art therapist. Kindness will be her profession.  On the receiving end, she recently received help completing all of the necessary paperwork for her to be able to return to school.


"Letting go of resentments and accepting that we are all one,  to be the best mother and person that I can possibly be, and to leave a positive imprint," Courtney answered, when I asked her life's purpose.

When I asked Courtney something about herself which she considers to be a success, Courtney answered, "I think I give good advice, and I'm a loyal friend."

Thank you, Courtney!  Wishing you the best of luck and success in school and with your daughter!


Day 229 - Scott


This is Scott.  We met walking down the street.  Scott was in town, from Michigan, for a Martial Arts convention.  This is a deliberatly serious-looking picture, but when I stopped him, I could immediately tell that he was pretty much a teddy bear.  Scott was in a hurry to find the studio hosting the event, but was nice enough to stop and give me the time to take his picture.

"Being a Dad," Scott answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Scott if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he said that he gave money to a homeless person, and also that he bought his kids presents to bring back home to them.

"Be a good dad, be a good person," Scott answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Scott something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered that he recently got and accepted a job offer to teach full time.  "Teaching is what I'm best at," Scott added.

Thank you, Scott!  Good luck!


Day 230 - John 


This is John.  We met on the sidewalk. I think he had just gotten off work.

The happiest thing happening in John's life right now is that he's met a lot of new friends at WSU.

When I asked John if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness, John explained that he works at Starbucks and he feels like serving coffee is one way in which he's also able to serve the community.   John gives kindness in his friendly service and he feels like he's the recipient of kindness on a daily basis.  John explained that some of his customers are now more like friends.

"To bring laughter into the world," John answered, when I asked his personal mission statement.  John loves to make people laugh because it gives them an outlet to express a side of themselves that they suppress.

One thing about himself which John considers to be a success, is "being diligent with college."  John explained he was the first in his family to graduate from High School and go onto College!  His family must be so proud!

Thank you, John!  Good luck!

Here's the summary of the personal mission statements and life's purposes of the subjects from this week.

  • To write a film that will change at least one person's life.
  • To get married, have a family, move overseas, and pursue a career in architecture.
  • To be of service to others.
  • When you leave the world, leave it a better place.
  • Letting go of resentments and accepting that we are all one, to be the best mother and person that I can possibly be, and to leave a positive imprint.
  • Be a good dad, be a good person.
  • To bring laughter into the world.


Thank you to every subject in this project!  Thank you for sharing yourself with us.  Please remember, if you'd like a copy of your photo, please drop me a message and I would love to email it to you!

And thank you for following along!


Have a great week!


365 More People Pictures - Week 30

Hello! Thank you for reading week 30 of The 365 More People Pictures project.   I'll soon post week 31, which are the subjects from this past week, and then we're officially caught up!  I've continued taking a picture of a person every day but I managed to let myself get behind in the blog posts.  If you'd like to follow along daily, my Instagram username is @missellanea.


Day 203 - Lillie


This is Lillie.  We met outside of Mod Haus in downtown Vancouver.  You may remember Mod Haus.  Lynn, the owner, was day 119 of my first project.  It's such a great shop!  When you're in downtown Vancouver, be sure to stop in and say hello to these ladies!  They have great style and they'll help those of us who need a little help finding our own style.

The happiest thing happening in Lillie's life right now is that she's an honors student and almost finished with her Associates degree.  Lillie is studying Japanese.  It was both funny and impressive because several times she naturally spoke in Japanese instead of English.   She's clearly comfortable and fluent in the language.

As soon as Lillie got in front of the camera, it was obvious she's done some modeling.  I've said it before, but modeling takes a special skill  and we often underestimate the amount of talent required of models.  Models truly have something special and unique and even my amateur/beginner eye can immediately spot when someone has modeling experience.  I can't articulate it properly and I was going to say that when a model is in front of  your camera, you can tell the exact moment when they turn their model on.  As I was typing the words, I was struck with the thought that it's more like models turn themselves off.  They momentarily disconnect from themselves, take on a new persona, and become this pliable form who is eager to create cool images with a photographer.   I'm still so new and learning, so I haven't really taken full advantage of the few opportunities I've had with the models I've accidentally met in this project.  I've been so awestruck as I watch them transform in front of my very eyes.  Lillie has that something special.

Lillie's recent act of kindness also relates to her modeling as she's recently modeled for a few local shops for free, and in return, a few of her photographer friends have photographed her which is helping her build her portfolio.  Everyone wins.

When I asked Lillie her life's purpose, she responded:  "To grow as a human being, to become more self-aware, to learn from others and hopefully teach something along the way."  Lillie then added, "traveling wouldn't hurt either!"

"I try to be as amiable as I can be...my personality is a success," Lillie answered, when I asked something about herself which she would consider to be a success.  Indeed.  Lillie was so sweet!

Wishing you lots of success with everything you set out to do, Lillie!  Thank you!


Day 204 - Aaron


This is Aaron.  We met on the street.  The happiest thing happening in Aaron's life right now is his job.

Aaron's recent act of kindness is that he bought food for some homeless people.

When I asked Aaron if he has a personal mission statement or life's purpose, he said that he has a quote he likes to live by:  "What do you do when no one is looking?"

"I have a large friend base from all walks of life," Aaron answered, when I asked him something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, Aaron.


Day 205 - Zach

day 205-365morepeoplepictures-missellanea

This is Zach.

The happiest thing happening in his life right now is that he just moved in with his girlfriend.

I asked Zach if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness. On the receiving side, Zach's best friend helped him move.  On the giving side,  Zach does volunteer work at a soup kitchen.

"Learn something new every day," Zach answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement or life's purpose.

When I asked Zach something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "I have a lot of friends."

Thank you, Zach.


Day 206 -  Maurice


This is Maurice.  He was two people ahead of me while we were in line at Starbucks.  I couldn't hear the conversation but Maurice, the barista, and the person in front of me were all laughing about something.  When I looked up to see Maurice, he had the warmest, most friendly smile I've seen in a while.  I didn't want to bother him, but I just couldn't resist asking Maurice if I could take his picture for the project.

"I'm in the process of writing a book," Maurice answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Maurice if he's recently performed an act of kindness, or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he thought for a while and then jokingly explained, "I live the life of a hermit."  Maurice is working on his book and he said he doesn't get out much, other than his Starbucks breaks.  However, he said that his daughter visited last month and while she was in town, she did all kinds of nice things to help Maurice.

I asked Maurice his life's purpose and he answered, "right now...just to get that book finished."  Maurice has been working on the book for 5 years, but paused when his wife passed away, and then again when he was dealing with health problems.  I asked when he anticipates its completion.  Maurice thinks he'll finish in 6 months.  Maurice said he should probably say that more often, so that it will become reality.  I agreed and explained it's part of the reason I ask some of the questions I do.  The more we talk of something, the closer we are to making it happen.

When I asked Maurice something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he laughed and said that he would have to go back to his youth.  "I was chosen to be on a particularly good Rugby team," Maurice said.  I think Maurice has many more successes in addition to his Rugby career, and I'm wishing him good luck that he will soon add "finished writing a book," to his list of successes.

Thank you, Maurice!  May the words flow freely and easily for you,  and in the perfect order.


Day 207 - John


This is John.  We met on the street.

"Life itself," John answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  John explained that he's made a lot of changes in the past few months and he's feeling good about things.

I asked John if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he said that he tries to do little things every day.  Doing things for others makes him feel better than being on the receiving end of kindness.

John's life's purpose:  "Constant forward movement.  Constant forward progression."

When I asked John something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he said that it was the way he was able to meet a person and connect with them.

Thank you, John!


Day 208 - Matthew


This is Matthew.  We met at the bus stop.

"I got a new job," Matthew answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Matthew's recent act of kindness is that he helped a man in a motorized wheel chair who had become stuck as he was trying to make it over a curb.

"To love," Matthew answered, is his life's purpose.

When I asked Matthew something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "my happiness, because I'm in charge of it."

Thank you, Matthew.


Day 209 - Bruce


This is Bruce.  We met at the park along the Columbia river on a beautifully sunny day.

"Getting to know who God really is," Bruce answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  Bruce has endured a few difficulties the past few years.  He broke and seriously injured his leg, was divorced, and now his injured leg is causing more serious problems again.  Through it all, Bruce has found comfort and strength in faith in God.

When I asked Bruce if he's performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness, he answered, "both."  Bruce was a very shy person and didn't think he had much to offer, other than his skills in construction, but now he considers himself to be an "encourager."  When he was working, before his injury, he would help build and re-build in distressed areas and he would like to return to that some day when he's healed again.  "We are so valuable, we don't even understand it," Bruce said, when he spoke of our purpose to be used by God to contribute to something bigger. He's also been on the receiving end of kindness, finding support in his new group of friends he's met through Church.

"To love and help other people," Bruce answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

I asked Bruce something about himself which he considered to be a success and he answered that he was a successful builder, he's raised 4 kids, and he's maintained a positive attitude.

Bruce and I continued to visit for quite a while and I was so glad to have met him that day.

Thank you, Bruce.


Here's the summary of the personal mission statements and life's purposes of the subjects from week 30:

  • To grow as a human being, to become more self-aware, to learn from others and hopefully teach something along the way.
  • What do you do when no one is looking?
  • Learn something new every day
  • right now...just to get that book finished."
  • To love
  • To love and help other people
  • Constant forward movement.  Constant forward progression

Thank you for following along, and thank you to each and every subject in this project.



365 More People Pictures - Week 28

Hello! Thank you for checking out week 28 of the 365 More People Pictures project.  I've been running a little behind in posting, but no worries...I'm still on track for taking a picture every single day.  If you'd like to follow along daily, my Instagram username is @missellanea .


Day 189 - Angela


This is Angela.

The happiest thing happening in her life right now: "is that everybody in my family is healthy and moving forward."

I asked Angela if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of kindness and she said that she's on the receiving end of lots of kindness and she hopes she's on the giving end as well.

"To strive to find balance and to realize that whatever you're going through is just a moment in time," Angela answered, when I asked if she has a personal mission statement or life's purpose.   Angela had said a few things that lead me to believe she had just gone through a tough situation so I asked her about it.  She said everything is great, but that she had just come from a movie theater which was showing all of the Oscar-nominated documentary shorts and she said that she felt like she had just gone through therapy.  The films were perspective-changing and she felt like she had been turned inside out.  After watching some of the horribly sad films, she realized that life is pretty good.  She was still processing everything in her head when I had approached her on the street.

When I asked Angela something about herself she considers to be a success, she answered that it was her children: "The fact that I've raised good people, good souls, and they have good balance and good moral centers."

Thank you, Angela!


Day 190 - James


This is James.  We met at the bus stop.  James was so surprised when I approached to ask if he'd be in the project.  He said that nobody has ever done anything like that before.

"Taking care of my Son," James answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

James' recent act of kindness is that he gives money to homeless people.

I asked James his life's purpose and he answered, "To be able to take care of my son and make sure he grows up right."

When I asked James something about himself which he considers to be a success, at first he said that he isn't there yet.  Several people have initially answered in the same way, but the point of asking this question is for people to identify one of their current strengths or personal achievements. We're always so focused on our future hopes and dreams, that we overlook our current strengths and minimize what we've gone through to get where we are. Sure, we may have a  long way yet to go - but this is just one more sneaky exercise in gratitude and positivity and I just want people to be able to talk about some positive things, in the hopes of amplifying them.   After encouraging James to think of something current, he answered, "I'm good at understanding people, and I'm focused."

James was so great!  We had a little more time than I normally get to spend with people.  James was willing to let me take several pictures, in a few different places, with a few different settings, and he and even sat down on the curb when I explained I always seem to have great luck when I take a picture of a person when they're sitting.

Thank you, James!


Day 191 - Bill


This is Bill.  We met on the street.

"I'm going to be putting on a show," Bill answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life.  Bill is a comedian and he's going to perform at Velo Cult soon!

When I asked Bill if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he was having a hard time thinking of anything.  He was to the point of giving up, but he was such a nice guy that I knew he must perform kind gestures for people all the time.  I encouraged him to think about even just little things, such as opening the door for someone or being extra polite or complimenting someone.  Bill was certain he had complimented someone recently.  I also reminded him that he was kind enough to stop and let me take his picture.

When I asked Bill if he has a personal mission statement or life's purpose, he answered, "To drink life out of a chalice, to achieve everything that I can, that I want to, and...I want to die awake and I want to die in my sleep."  Wow! Think about that last part: "I want to die awake and I want to die in my sleep."  Pretty deep and profound thinking for a guy who is also a comedian.

"My job," Bill answered, when I asked him something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, Bill!  Good luck with your show!


Day 192 - Colin



This is Colin.  We met on the street, near PSU.  "I'm about to graduate," Colin answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Colin's recent act of kindness was a donation to his previous high school's  fundraising effort to help a family with a sick child.

"To pursue a career in design while loving those around me well," Colin answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement or life's purpose. I joked with Colin that our "interview" was good practice for all of the interviews he'll soon be facing.  Colin would love to work with the firm where he's currently an intern.

"I've made it through college in 4 years, while working a part-time job," Colin answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

After Colin and I were finished, I had to walk a few blocks back to my car and along the way, I passed several restaurants and pubs and encountered several students.  I didn't actually realize it at the time, but after observing all of the other students I passed on my way back to the car, I was struck by how mature Colin was, compared to all of the other students I encountered.    I was  impressed and amazed by the comparison between Colin, who is just a few months from graduation, and the other younger students who acted much more like high school students than college students.   There was such a difference between the growth and maturation between Colin and the others.  Colin is definitely ready for the world and whatever comes next!

Thank you, Colin!  Wishing you lots of success and happiness!


Day 193 - Anthony


This is Anthony.  We met at Doug Fir.  In a weird coincidence, we figured out that we have a mutual friend, who is actually the husband of the person I was with at the time!

"I have a roof over my head," Anthony answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Anthony's recent act of kindness is that he always has spare change to give to homeless people.  He said that he's always carried extra giving-away money, ever since he was a kid.  I was curious if his parents encouraged him to do so, or lead by example, but Anthony said it was just something he did on his own.

"To create," Anthony answered, when I asked his life's purpose.  Anthony is a visual artist: "trying to recreate things how I see them."  Check out Anthony's Instagram - @anthonymeuserart  It's pretty amazing!  His work is paper cut-out pop art!

"I never give up," Anthony said, when I asked him something about himself which he considers to be a success.

Thank you, Anthony!


Day 194 - Taylor


This is Taylor. We met on the street.

"Dance!" - Taylor responded, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  Taylor is an architectural dancer.  I confessed that I didn't quite know what that meant, so Taylor told me to check out POV Dance to get a better understanding.  Basically, my understanding is that it's like street dance - dance with structures and buildings and the environment becomes part of the dance.  However it's defined, it's pretty awesome.  One could easily let some serious time slip away by watching architectural dance videos on youtube!

I asked Taylor if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness and he explained that he's currently a Grad student and his professors gave him a lot of extra personal help and attention in his current work.  Taylor feels like, in general, he both gives and receives kindness.

"Being present wherever you are," Taylor answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement.  I explained to Taylor how much I love this thought, and that the time we had just spent taking pictures together, was the only time that entire day where I was able to be fully present in the moment.  For a minute or two, the only thing that mattered in my little world, was Taylor...and creating a picture with him.  It's part of the reason I love this project so much and I keep hoping the present mindfulness that occurs with photography,  will spill over into the rest of my life.  And, I hope that  the person I meet each day is able to let stress and worries slip away for a few minutes and we can just have a little fun together.

"Being generally interested in lots of things," Taylor answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.  I started to ask, "you must read a lot" but then I realized he had a book in hand, and my question was answered before I could even ask.

Thank you, Taylor!


Day 195 - Christopher


This is Christopher.  We also met on the street, Downtown.  He was on his way to work.  It is impossible not to notice Christopher.  I was admiring his style so intently, I almost forgot to ask if I could take his picture.  After we took a few pictures, I asked and instructed him on how to do a squinch.  He nailed it!

Before I ever picked up a camera, I was a serious people-watcher. I mean, almost embarrassingly so.  I could be content sitting outside and watching people for hours.  Sometimes, I embarrass myself.   Remember when we were kids and if we looked at someone for longer than what they felt was appropriate, they would say - "take a picture, it'll last longer!"?  Well, I heard that a lot as a kid.  It's pretty ironic now. Although an adult would never say that, but if they did, I would get happy and thank them for "inviting" me to take their picture!

The happiest thing happening in Christopher's life right now is that he just spent time with his family to celebrate his 80-year-old Grandmother's Birthday, who was in town for the occasion.

I asked Christopher if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness.  Christopher said that everyone's been really nice to him.  I have no doubt Christopher is also quite kind, given just the few minutes we spent together.

"To make every day a little better than yesterday," Christopher answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement.

I asked Christopher something about himself which he would consider to be a success and he answered that he has an art show coming up at the Wolf & Rabbit. 

Thank you, Christopher!


Here's a summary of the personal mission statements and life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

To strive to find balance and to realize that whatever you're going through is just a moment in time.

  • To be able to take care of my son and make sure he grows up right.
  • To drink life out of a chalice, to achieve everything that I can, that I want to, and...I want to die awake and I want to die in my sleep.
  • To pursue a career in design while loving those around me, well.
  • To create
  • Being present wherever you are.
  • To make every day a little better than yesterday


Thank you for reading this week and following along in the project!  I'll catch us up to the current week (which is the week prior) very soon!

Thank you!



365 More People Pictures - Week 27

Hello! Thank you for checking out week 27!

If this is your first time stopping by, this is my second 365 Day Photography Challenge.  I successfully completed my first 365 Day Challenge and when it was finished, I couldn't stop!  I was so hooked and I hadn't even begun to scratch the surface on everything I need to learn about photography, so I decided to continue for another 365 days streak of taking a picture of a person, every single day, for second year.

Each picture is taken fresh daily.  I don't stockpile images.

If you'd like to follow along daily, my instagram username is @missellanea.


Day 182 -  Ashley 


This is Ashley.  We met at the bus stop.

Ashley was all smiles when we first started taking pictures but I decided I  wanted to get a few pictures looking more serious. The minute I asked if we could try some without smiling, we both cracked up and couldn't stop laughing or smiling.  Ashley had to work at composing herself while we were both fighting back a case of the giggles.  I love this project and that it's given me such fun and memorable experiences with complete strangers.

"Going back home to Hawaii," Ashley asked, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.  Ashley has been here for Flight Attendant School and she's graduating soon!  This will be her first trip back home in a while.

Ashley works at the mall.  A customer came in to her shop and only had enough money to cover their purchase, not including tax.  Ashley's recent act of kindness is that she paid for the tax so that the customer could afford the transaction.

"Helping others," Ashley answered, when I asked her life's purpose.  Some day, if I ever get on a plane again, I hope Ashley will be the flight attendant. She's going to be perfect in that job!

"I'm hard-working," Ashley said, when I asked her something about herself which she would consider to be a success.

Thank you, Ashley! Good luck!


Day 183 - Rob / 8Bit / Cary Nokey


This is Rob.  His full name is Rob Fusari, and yes, you've definitely heard his name before.

I had to attend a meeting after work on Monday.  I arrived early at the hotel where the meeting was to take place, and was waiting in the lobby to meet my brother.  I had intended for my brother or other family to be the person of the day, but since I had time to kill, I decided I'd just find someone in the lobby so that I could be free to just enjoy the time with my brother.

It's impossible not to notice Rob. His style is amazing and although it's not intentionally attention-grabbing, you can't help but to appreciate that he puts effort into the look he presents to the world. (Even after a day of traveling.)  I also noticed another girl with amazing style, and the best eyeglasses I've ever seen.  I observed them both for a while, trying to decide who to approach.  The girl was on her phone and the call seemed to go on forever, so I just walked over to Rob and asked if I could take his picture for my project.   Before I even finished explaining the project, Rob agreed.  I was a little surprised by how quickly he agreed to let me take his picture without much explanation on my part, but it's not the first time that someone has been so easily agreeable to letting me take their picture without even really knowing why I was asking for it.

I could tell that Rob and I had some sort of miscommunication.  Rob was starting to ready himself to take a picture with me, and when I didn't position myself next to him, he asked, "do you want a selfie with me?"  I clarified, "I just want your picture, just you!"  Then my brain started to catch up to what was happening. I realized he was famous and I was being an idiot for not recognizing him.   I asked, "wait, should I want to take a picture with you?"  I then apologized for not recognizing him.  Rob said it was good that I didn't know who he was and he seemed genuinely pleased that I picked him randomly.

Rob told me his full name and I knew I recognized it instantly, and it reinforced my thought that he's someone I've heard of, but I just couldn't figure it out, specifically.  I knew he was a musician, or in the industry, but we just left it at that and took the pictures.  Rob is a natural in front of the camera, and although I was nervous that I had this person in front of my camera who I knew was a big deal, Rob put me at complete ease.  Well, as "eased" as you can be when you don't want to blow a picture!

I've been so nervous posting this picture because after checking out Rob's sites, most of his public photos are beautifully styled and professional.  Some of his 8Bit/Cary Nokey photos are pretty glamorous, and then here I am...catching him as he was checking into a hotel, after likely having spent the day traveling.  It makes me appreciate Rob even that much more.  I feel like this isn't a picture of "The Rob Fusari," or "8Bit."  I feel like this is a picture of Rob.  Just Rob.

After we were finished making the pictures, Rob then told me the very condensed version of who he is and why I've heard his name.   Rob casually mentioned that he's a music producer and songwriter, and he worked with Lady Gaga, among others.  This is straight from his website, which I looked up when I got home, "Rob is a Grammy award winning, multi-platinum music producer, songwriter and music executive."  Rob was pretty humble with his introduction to me.   Rob is currently performing as 8Bit, with Cary Nokey, which he explained is pretty underground and he would have been surprised if I would have known him by that name.  He was in Portland to do a show with RuPaul the following day.    I've since learned that Rob is one of the people responsible for creating the Lady Gaga persona.   If you check out his website, you'll learn he's worked with some pretty huge artists.

I would make a horrible journalist, so it's a good thing I've never aspired to be one.  I hold back out of respect for the people I've met in this project.  Some people have bared their souls to me, and I know it would make for a better read, but I feel like they've shared those things with me, personally.  I want maintain their confidence and preserve the intimate moment I had the privilege of sharing with another human being.  I'm constantly trying to sift out the things people have shared with me which I think are ok to then share with you, from the things that I just need to hold in my head and in my heart.  I've sifted through the conversation with Rob, although I'm sure he didn't tell me anything that hasn't already been said publicly.  Since I don't use a recorder and I sometimes scribble notes in my journal so quickly that I can't even read my own writing, I also want to make sure I don't accidentally say something inaccurately.

"Finding myself," Rob answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  "I went 40 years on this earth not knowing who I was.  I thought I knew, but then I woke up."  Knowing that sort of enlightenment often comes from really shitty circumstances and/or battling addiction, I asked Rob if he was clean and sober.  Rob confirmed he was.

One would think that when a person wins a Grammy, it would be the start of the rest of their lives.  Rob explained it was sort of the opposite.  Success, fame, money, and the Grammy, were actually the start of a couple very dark years, ending in the severing of personal and professional relationships.

It took those dark times and severed relationships for Rob to be able to find himself.  Rob had to see and nurture in himself, the potential he saw in so many others.  I had never thought of it before, but a music producer, in some ways, is a lot like a care-giver type person.  Some people spend so much time caring for others, they neglect care for themselves.   His life has been spent helping to build the careers of famous singers. Rob has been a "care-giver" type, but who's been caring for Rob?  He's now finally nurturing his own creative side as 8Bit and Cary Nokey.

I asked Rob if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness.  Rob told me that he was recently on a subway in NYC, when a homeless guy approached him with a hard-luck story.   Everyone else was avoiding the guy and looking away, but Rob looked him in the eyes and listened to what the guy had to say.   Rob set aside judgement and skepticism and just listened to the guy's story.  The guy told him he needed $50 for a train ticket and a fresh start.  The guy was going to catch a train to where a friend, a free place to stay, and a clean slate were waiting for him at his destination.  Rob gave the guy $100, and wished him luck.  Rob knew it was a possibility that the guy was lying, but he also felt he had the opportunity to help save someone.   As much as Rob extended an act of kindness to the homeless guy on the subway, Rob recognized that it was the guy who actually saved him.  The act of simply wanting to help another human being with nothing in return, helped Rob to continue to heal and grow.

When I asked Rob if he has a personal mission statement or life's purpose, he quickly answered, "that's easy, I've gotta find peace."  Rob went on to explain it's not money, it's not fame...he's searching for peace.  "My personal mission statement," Rob said, is "to find peace and to share it with anyone who wants to share."  By this time, I was holding back tears.  I didn't want to embarrass myself or Rob, but I was genuinely touched by this person I had just met.  I didn't even know what to say and my emotions were starting to get to me.  "I wish you peace," is all I could manage to say to Rob.  Those were the only words I could find at the moment. Perhaps the reason I couldn't find any other words was because that was my sincere hope for him.

I typically don't limit people's answer to the "success" question, but in Rob's case, winning a Grammy was just too easy of an answer.  When I asked Rob something about himself which he would consider to be a success, I specified, something other than the obvious.  Rob answered, "My biggest success is that I'm still trying.  I know that I don't have anything real.  I'd really like to find real friends."  Wow.  I was pretty stunned, and again, he just touched my heart.  Rob wasn't dismissing any of his accomplishments, but he had just revealed that even more important than fame and wealth, is to be able to find a real friend.  I just wanted to give him a hug and tell him everything's going to be ok.  I told him something like, "we can be friends."  I think he thought I was being funny, or insincere, but I genuinely meant it.  It was perplexing to me why a guy like Rob doesn't have dozens of true friends.  He took a moment out of his life and shared a bit of his story with a complete stranger, and he did so kindly, and with honesty.  A person like that should have friends.   I guess when you work in that industry, you either have fans, or you don't.  A true friend would be a difficult and rare find in that business.

I didn't realize it when I first spotted Rob and the other stylish girl with the amazing glasses, but they were together.  The girl with the cute glasses, Jayne, came over and introduced herself.  She works with Rob.  And, just like that, we were finished.  Rob was gone.  Jayne and I visited for a moment, and I tried to pass along my thanks, via Jayne.

Thank you, Rob.  Remember, you now have friends in Portland.


Day 184 - Evan


This is Evan.  We met walking down the street.

I asked Evan the happiest thing happening in his life right now and he responded, "I'm pretty happy in general, so it's hard to pick, but being in Portland and being able to hang out with friends."

When I asked Evan if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness, Evan said that he had a good friend who was there for him. The friend was willing to drop what he was doing, meet Evan, and just be there for him.  I told Evan about the coincidence, and irony, explaining that the person I met the day before, is longing to find a friend like that and how even though he had fame, wealth, and success, he's just looking for a true friend like the one Evan has.

"Do the right thing, at the right time, in the right place, for the right reason," Evan answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement or life's purpose.  Evan's 5th grade teacher shared this ethics motto and it's been with him ever since.  Kina’ole is also a Hawaiian word of the same meaning.

When I asked Evan something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "What I'm really most proud of, is I seem to always be able to see the bright side, and I like to make people smile."

Thank you, Evan.  You made me smile.


Day 185 - Ron



This is Ron.  I had another meeting after work and was getting a late start finding a subject for the evening.  I headed to the transit station, thinking I could easily find a subject there. I was mistaken.  I was rejected by 5 people.  However, since they were all standing under the same bus shelter, I like to think of it as one big rejection, rather than several separate rejections.

I wandered over to another bus shelter where Ron was standing and asked if he would be in the project.  I was expecting he would also reject me, but he happily agreed.

"My daughters," Ron answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Ron's recent act of kindness is that he bought coffee for a co-worker who was having a particularly tough day, and then he helped the friend talk through the problem.

"Each day I try to make the world a better place in some small way," Ron answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement or life's purpose.  Ron's thought is that if we each do something small to make the world a better place, together, we can make a difference.

"My family," Ron said, is something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, Ron.


Day 186 - Jesse



This is Jesse. We met on the street.

"I just got married a couple months ago, and I'm enjoying being newly married," Jesse said, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Jesse if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness, he thought for a long time before answering.  With a smile, and a hint of disappointment, he said the only specific thing he can think of recently, is that he gave french fries to a co-worker who was hungry.

"To contribute in some way to making our society work better," Jesse answered, is his life's purpose.  Jesse added that he doesn't even care about receiving any credit or recognition for it, but he just wants to be able to make a difference.

When I asked Jesse something about himself which he considers to be a success, he explained that he's now able to do what he wants to do.  Basically, he's had to do a little battle within himself in order to battle for the greater good.  Jesse has overcome anxieties in order to work at effecting social change for us all.

Thank you, Jesse!  Congratulations to you and your wife.


Day 187 - Matthew


"I'm dating a pretty girl and I'm in Portland for the first time," Matthew answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

I went out with group of co-workers after work on Friday.  We met up for happy hour before going across the street to the One Motorcycle Show.  I spotted Matthew, sitting alone at a table, looking a little stressed, and clearly absorbed by whatever work he was doing on his computer.  I wondered what could be so important that he was working, at a bar, on a Friday night.  I later learned that he was a photographer and he was in town covering the One Show for a magazine.   Once I learned that he was a photographer, it made perfect sense why he was sitting alone with his MacBook on a Friday Night.  Before starting to learn photography, I had no idea that the lifestyle of a photographer means that if you're not currently shooting, you will often find yourself alone at night, editing and processing photos.  Matthew was getting in a little work before going back across the street to shoot the One Show.

I asked Matthew if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness.  Matthew said that he's recently done some photography work for free.

"Wet reckless," Matthew answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement or life's purpose. Hmmm....I'm just going to leave it at that.

"I'm young and handsome, and it's easy for me to get laid," Matthew answered, when I asked him something about himself which he would consider to be a success.  I laughed and congratulated him for giving the funniest answer I've heard so far.  I know this comment may make Matthew sounds arrogant, but he was a nice guy and he was just being funny.  He told me the story of the origin of his statement and then it all made sense.  The other day, Matthew was really stressin' about things and a friend tried to get him to loosen up a bit by telling him he needed to relax...that he's young, good looking and it's easy for him to get laid.  It worked!  Matthew now knows everything works out.

Thank you, Matthew.


Day 188 - TJ


This is TJ.  We met at a coffee shop downtown.

"I can be myself," TJ answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  TJ is from Japan. He's in Portland to attend fashion design school. He's only been in the US a few months, so we worked at making sure we weren't losing anything in translation.  I think TJ was saying that now that he's here to pursue his dream, he's happy he can be himself, and be true to his calling.

"I try to smile every day so I can make people happy," TJ answered, when I asked if he's recently performed an act of kindness. TJ said that smiling at people was part of his New Year's resolution.

When I asked TJ if he had a personal mission statement or life's purpose, he was unsure if he was understanding the question, so he asked instead if he could share his goals and dreams.  TJ's dream is to work in the fashion industry.  He's learning English now, and he hopes to continue his study in New York, London or Paris.

Instead of asking TJ something about himself which he would consider to be a success, I asked him about something he's good at.  TJ answered, "I'm good at smiling."  Indeed, he was a great smiler.  Once again, we had to contain giggles and giant smiles in order to get a more serious look.  This isn't really what I would call "serious," but when you're taking a picture of a good smile-r, who's on a mission to smile at people and make them happy, this is about as serious as it gets.

Thank you, TJ.  Wishing you the best of luck in pursuing your dreams!

Here's the summary of the personal mission statements and life's purpose of the subjects from this week:

  • Helping others.
  • To find peace and to share it with anyone who wants to share.
  • Do the right thing, at the right time, in the right place, for the right reason.
  • Each day I try to make the world a better place in some small way.
  • To contribute in some way to making our society work better.
  • I try to smile every day so I can make people happy.

Thank you for following along!

Wishing you a great week!



365 More People Pictures - Week 26

Hi there! We're finished with week 26, of the 365 More People Pictures project.


Day 175 - Lowell


This is Lowell.  We met outside the mall.

"I woke up this morning, vertical," Lowell answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

I asked Lowell if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness.  Lowell explained that he's been on the receiving end of kindness.  Lowell was homeless for a while, but he now has a place to live.  I'm so glad Lowell has landed on his feet and he received the kindness he needed most.

"I'm still looking, Lowell answered with a grin, when I asked his life's purpose.

When I asked Lowell something about himself which he would consider to be a success, I thought for sure his answer would be related to his military service or his work, as he was wearing pins on his hat indicating both.  Instead, he answered in a thick Southern accent, "I raised 4 kids...they're good Church-going people."

Wishing the best for Lowell, and that he continues to have a place to live and love from his family.


Day 176 - Walker


This is Walker.  We met outside of Sam's.

Walker was such a great subject because he was willing to give me lots of time, and he doesn't seem to mind being in front of a camera.  I had a hard time choosing which picture to share with you!

"A really lovely girl I met," Walker answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Walker said that he was recently the recipient of an act of kindness, in that his sister just took him to the coast for the weekend.  In return, Walker helped her to learn guitar.  I was impressed they were able to achieve progress in weekend of guitar lessons. Either Walker is an excellent teacher or his sister is a natural!  (or perhaps both.)

"To find contentment in simplicity," is Walker's personal mission statement.  I love this!  Walker re-affirmed my objective to continue to purge and rid my life of anything (material) that I don't absolutely need or love.

When I asked Walker something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered that he taught himself how to play the mandolin.

Thank you, Walker.


Day 177 - Boo


This is Boo.  She was walking toward me as we walked down the sidewalk.  I almost didn't stop her because she definitely looked like she had places to go and things to do, but I just couldn't resist because she looked like an interesting person. She carried herself with confidence and determination, and she was wearing a motorcycle jacket so she had a little bit of badass-ness about her as well.  She struck me as an authority.  Oh, and I'm pretty sure her motorcycle jacket was an actual motorcycle jacket, as in, her bike was parked down the street.

When I asked Boo the happiest thing happening in her life right now, she said that she was on her way to get her first tattoo!  We were just a few footsteps away from the tattoo shop.  She was going to get her family's crest.  I asked if anyone else in her family had the tattoo and she said that all of her brothers have it, so it was her turn to get it.

"I try every day to be the best that I can be, to take care of my family and loved ones, and to be the best role model I can be," Boo answered, when I asked if she has a personal mission statement.

I asked Boo something about herself which she considers to be a success and she answered, "I think...the way I raised my son."

Thank you, Boo!


Day 178 - Benny


This is Benny.  We also met outside of Sam's.  He was taking a break before playing in a pool tournament.

"My relationship," Benny answered with huge smile, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now. "I'm the luckiest man alive," Benny added.

When I asked Benny if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness, he answered, "Both - that's how I go about my day."  People often can't remember a specific example, but Benny is certain he both gives and receives kindness often.

When I asked if Benny had a personal mission statement or life's purpose, he said that he doesn't really have a mission statement, but more of an actual mission:  "Exploration."  When we met, Benny had just moved from Colorado and had only been in Portland for 4 days, so he's not only exploring the city, but exploring a new career and life here.  As far as his life's purpose, Benny said, "To help people find their potential." "I feel like I'm a good coach and teacher," Benny added. Benny is fulfilled when he helps others to fulfill their potential.

Benny told me that I was the first person to stop and talk with him since he arrived. I was so bummed to hear this, because we're so nice in Portland!  Portland is a friendly place, for the most part.  Benny explained that he had moved from New York to Colorado and he transitioned from being a person who kept to himself in New York, to being a person who talked with random strangers in Colorado.  Benny said strangers just stop and talk with you in Colorado and that's the expectation he had for Portland, but his initial experience left him feeling more like how things were in New York.  I assured Benny that Portland is friendly and he would have many more positive interactions to follow.  Hmmm...maybe we warm up when the weather warms up?

When I asked Benny something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he had a hard time answering the question because he's a humble.  Benny decided that he was successful with change.  He's uprooted himself a few times and even though it's intimidating, he's embraced the changes.  He's also a good pool player.

Welcome to Portland, Benny!


Day 179 - Richard


This is Richard.  Richard was on his way to go buy an umbrella when we met.  It's been pouring here for the past few days.  When Portlanders break down and go umbrella shopping, you know it's raining hard!  (I have a confession. Since starting this project, I've discovered that umbrellas are a fabulously wonderful invention!  I don't care anymore that Portlanders think you're an out-of-towner if you're using one.  I started using one to keep my camera protected and discovered the added benefit of not looking like a soggy muffin when I've been out wandering the streets.  So there.  I admit it.  I use an umbrella and I like it. Phew.  I really needed to get that off my chest.)

Richard was another person for whom I had a hard time choosing my favorite picture.  Although I love it when people are smiling and happy and their photo looks like they were genuinely having fun making pictures with me, when I'm faced with the decision of having more than one good picture to use, I tend to favor the photos which are a little more edgy, tough, and pensive, over the happy/smiling photos.  I've noticed I quite frequently choose more pensive-looking photos that are technically lower quality, over happy/smily pictures which may be more technically sound.  I liked this picture of Richard because he looks a little Rock Star-ish.

"My kids are growing up well," Richard answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Richard if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he considered the question for quite a while before answering, "I should work on that."  Again, I'm sure Richard spreads kindness in some way...he stopped in the awful weather and let me take his picture.  That's an act of kindness.  It's just really hard for people to think of something specific when we're put on the spot.

"To leave the world better than I came into it," Richard answered, when I asked his life's purpose.

Something about himself which Richard considers to be a success, is his family.

Thank you, Richard!


Day 180 - Kayla


This is Kayla.  We met at a coffee shop.

When I walked into the coffee shop, the barista wasn't at the counter, like usual.  Kayla, sitting at a table in the corner,  told me the barista ran next door and would be right back.  This gave me the perfect opportunity to ask Kayla if I could take her picture for the project.  Kayla agreed, and then the barista returned at that moment.  Kayla told me I should take the barista's picture instead.  Kayla said something like, "She's beautiful and I'm not."  The barista there is absolutely stunning...like the kind of pretty where you seriously can't help but to stare at her, and then you feel like a creeper for staring!  The barista,  standing right there at our table, was trying to figure out what we were talking about.  I agreed with Kayla, that "yes, she is beautiful...but so are you!"  With that little bit of assurance, Kayla was back on board.  Then I got nervous!  The coffee shop is a really challenging place to get a nice picture. I've blown it every time I've taken someone's picture there.  If I blew it with Kayla, I didn't wan't it to impact her self-confidence since it was already a bit fragile.   Kayla is beautiful.  (She just doesn't see it when she looks in the mirror.)

The happiest thing happening in Kayla's life right now is that she now has no roommates! Although she's had great roommate experiences, she's also excited to be living on her own.

When I asked Kayla if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of kindness, she explained that she works in customer service.  Her job is to give kindness.  Kayla also said that she'll sometimes buy coffee or drinks at Whole Foods, not really needing or wanting the drinks, but just making the purchase so she can sit down and use her computer and  free Wi-Fi.  When she's finished, she'll give the items she purchased to homeless people who are often sitting outside the store.  (That's both giving and receiving!)

Kayla is going to school to become a massage therapist, so her life's purpose is: "Making people feel relieved and relaxed, and helping them to feel better about their body."

When I asked Kayla something about herself which she considers to be a success, she answered, "Surviving.  I've been through a lot of crap."

After meeting so many survivor type people, and surviving some crap of my own, it's so clear to me that positive life changes result from the most painful challenges in life.  Making it through to the other side of the crap times in life, increases one's capacity to truly experience gratitude and find joy in simplicity.  When you go through the crap, you have a new appreciation for simply waking to live another day.  ("I woke up this morning, vertical," Lowell said earlier.)  I think when a person reaches the point where they value the beauty of simply surviving and waking another day, then life really begins to happen.  When you come out on the other side of  bad times, then life is filled with hope and possibility.

Kayla was actually the survivor of a car crash. I didn't ask details, but I gathered her injuries were enough to be life altering.  After all that she endured, the accident led her to start living her life's purpose.  Kayla attended college on a golf scholarship but she wasn't going to school for anything she was truly passionate about.  After the accident, she had to go through treatment and rehabilitation which included seeing chiropractor. It was her experience in going through rehab for her accident, that solidified her desire to become a massage therapist.  She always thought she wanted to be a massage therapist, but had she not had the accident, she may have never followed her heart and pursued massage as a career.  She was able to turn a bad, life-altering, accident into a positive opportunity.

Thank you, beautiful Kayla.


Day 181 - Alvin


This is Alvin.  We met in the mall.  I wasn't even looking for a subject at that particular time, but when Alvin walked by, I was compelled to ask if he would be in the project.

"My children," Alvin answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

When I asked Alvin if he's recently performed an act of kindness, he explained that he's been working with someone who is currently grieving.  The exact phrase he said, made me think that perhaps grief counseling was his job, but Alvin clarified that it was personal, not professional.  Alvin is actually a massage therapist and having just talked with Kayla the day before, reminded me that massage therapists are doing their part to spread kindness. It's much easier to spread kindness when we're not in pain or suffering in some way.

"Don't just aim to please, aim to impress," Alvin said, is his personal motto.

"I'm continuously evolving with family, business and everyday life," Alvin answered, when I asked him something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, Alvin!


Here's the personal mission statements and life's purposes of the subjects from this week.

  • I'm still looking.
  • To find contentment in simplicity.
  • I try every day to be the best that I can be, to take care of my family and loved ones, and to be the best role model I can be.
  • Exploration.
  • To help people find their potential.
  • To leave the world better than I came into it.
  • Making people feel relieved and relaxed, and helping them to feel better about their body.
  • Don't just aim to please, aim to impress.


Thank you for another week!

365 More People Pictures - Week 25

Hello! Thank you for checking out week 25 of the 365 More People Pictures project.  If this is your first time checking in, this is my second personal 365 Day Photography challenge to take a picture of a person every day for another year.  The majority of the people in this project are strangers, but also included are a few friends, family and co-workers.

I got my first DSLR a little over 540 days ago and in attempt to learn photography so that I could have visual content for this blog, I challenged myself to take a picture of a person, every single day, for an entire year. When the first 365 days were finished, I just couldn't stop!  I discovered I loved meeting and talking with people so I challenged myself to another 365 Days. Plus, I was a little worried if I didn't continue another project, I might set down my camera and not make the time or find a reason to pick it up ever again.  I love photography, and challenging myself to a 365 Day Project gives me a very good excuse, and very good motivation, to stick with it.  Plus, I just still have soooooo much more to learn!

I didn't have a clear path set when I started this blog, and obviously the project has now taken over the entire purpose of the blog.  That may change some day, but for now, I'm just loving what I've been doing and all the people I've had the opportunity to talk with.

If you'd like to follow along daily, my instagram username is @missellanea.


Day 168 - Amber the Corgi, and Her Human

amber & mom

This is Amber and her Human.  They were out for a walk at Esther Short Park on this foggy day.

I asked Amber's human the happiest thing happening in her life right now and she said that it was moving out here from Albuquerque.


"I wish I could think of something deep and meaningful, but I just want to do good in my life and be happy," Amber's human said, when I asked if she has a personal mission statement.  It doesn't matter how the words are constructed, striving to do good and being happy is meaningful.

When I asked Amber's human something about herself which she considers to be a success, she answered, "I'm independent."

Welcome to the Northwest, Amber & her Human



As I was leaving the park, I looked over just in time to see this man walking out of a dense patch of fog.  It looked like something out of a scary movie!  I was both fascinated and a little creeped out too.


Day 169 - Kyle


This is Kyle. We met at Starbucks.

"This beautiful weather!  I spent the weekend outdoors with my family," Kyle answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  This week was a little bizarre as far as weather goes.  We went from cold and fog so think you could practically feel it, to having sunshine and spring-lik temperatures.

I asked Kyle if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness. Kyle said that he's received help and kindness from his friends and family.

"To not let fear or laziness get in the way," Kyle answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement.  This is so true.  When I think about the goals or accomplishments I've never pursued, the reasons for not achieving success simply boils down to fear. Either the fear of failure, or even the fear of success and all the work that comes with it.  One could argue that's also laziness, but at it's deepest root - I still find fear.  This is an excellent personal mission statement and I've been thinking of it since meeting Kyle, and have questioned myself throughout the week to put both fear and laziness in check.

"Still being alive," Kyle answered, when I asked something about himself which he would consider to be a success.


Day 170 - Ryan


This is Ryan. We met at a convenience store.

The happiest thing happening in his life right now is his job as an elevator mechanic, and his new Triumph motorcycle. Ryan told me a little about the program and requirements to be an Elevator Mechanic.  When school/training and apprenticeship hours are completed, an elevator mechanic will have over 10,000 hours of experience.  No wonder it's so rare to be caught in an elevator!

I asked Ryan if he's recently performed an act of kindness, or if he's been on the receiving end of kindness.  Ryan said that he's always trying to help others. He helps out his ex, even though they're no longer together, and he does little things to pay it forward like buying coffee for random people at coffee shops.  Ryan then said that his Mom wishes he would go to Church more often.  I laughed and explained that I could relate...it's what moms do!

"To live life to the fullest and treat other people the way I want to be treated," Ryan answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement.  I told Ryan that in spite of his Church attendance record, his Mom would be proud that he's living the golden rule.

When I asked Ryan something about himself which he considers to be a success, he said it's his mechanical, electrical, and welding background.  Ryan then added that a few years ago,  he was also ranked 47th in the country for AMA Flat Track Racing.

Thank you, Ryan!


Day 171 - Kassie


This is Kassie.  We met at the bus stop.

"I made really great friends this year," Kassie answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

"To always be your best person so you can set an example for others," Kassie answered, when I asked if she has a personal mission statement or if she could make one up.  Kassie is going to school to become a therapist and I can tell she's going to be a great one!  When I confessed to Kassie how few hours of the day that I could actually say I'm being my best person, vs. how much I want to be/or am striving toward, she answered in a way that made it feel ok.  She made it seem like we get credit for the desire and our effort to be our best person, even if our progress is imperfect.

I asked Kassie something about herself which she would consider to be a success and she answered, "I'm very motivated."

Thank you, Kassie and good luck with school!


Day 172 - Mogwai


This is Mogwai.  We also met at a bus stop.

The happiest thing happening in Mogwai's life right now, and something about herself which she would consider to be a success,  is that she's returned to school!

When I asked Mogwai if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of kindness, she explained that she's received quite a bit of kindness this past year.  Mogwai was basically homeless but thanks to the help of others, she's now back on her feet and has taking advantage of the opportunity to go back to school. In turn, she's starting a charity organization of her own so that she can help others who were in her situation.

The bus arrived before we finished.  Good luck, Mogwai!


Day 173 - Chris


This is Chris.  It was friday night and I spotted him sitting in his car with the door open, eating carrots.  I initially walked past him and then found myself wondering why he was sitting in his car, eating carrots, on a Friday night.  Then of course that thought was followed by the thought, what am I'm doing, wandering around on a Friday night, looking for a person to take a picture of, when there's an interesting person right there?  So, I turned back and approached Chris to ask if I could take his picture for the project.

Chris was parked outside of Velo Cult and when I asked if he was waiting for someone, he explained that he was waiting for a show to start inside.

"This show tonight," Chris answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.   I learned that Chris is the Editor of Vortex Magazine, which is a magazine about the local Portland music scene.  The concert had been a secret show to which Vortext presented clues during the month to reveal the location.

When I asked Chris if he's recently performed an act of kindness, or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, he was sure he had done something but he was having trouble thinking of anything specific.  He asked if we could circle back.  A few moments later, Chris' friend/co-worker/photographer came out and Chris asked him if he could remember if he's done anything nice.  Chris' friend reached into Chris' little container o' carrots, stuffed one in his mouth and then said that Chris let him have some of his carrots!  Ha!  The two had been working hard and were loading in cases of magazines for the show and hadn't had time to eat.  Chris is a good guy...he doesn't let his friends/co-workers/photographers starve!

"I believe very strongly that collaboration will make all of us stronger," Chris answered, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement or if he could make one up.

When I asked Chris something about himself he would consider to be a success, Chris answered, "I feel like I'm good at bringing people together that share similar values."  I pointed out to Chris how perfectly this trait aligns with his personal mission statement.  Chris agreed, saying he also realized it too, after he answered.

When we were finished, Chris told me a little more about Vortex and gave me two issues.  Chris has created a dream-come-true job for himself. I told Chris I've been wanting for (or dreaming of) a new Portland magazine, and Chris has set out to do just that.  I can imagine all of the challenges he must face in giving birth to a new publication at a time when print is battling for survival, but he's making it happen!  Chris is using this time as an opportunity. He and everyone at Vortex are putting out a really good product and I can't wait to see how it evolves!  You can check out Vortex online, subscribe for whatever you feel like paying, or if you see Vortex when you're out - definitely pick up a copy!

I have such huge admiration for Chris and people like him...people who just make things happen.  Chris may have had a hard time thinking of an act of kindness but after reading his magazine, I realized Vortex is not only his passion, but in a way, it is also an act of kindness.  Chris is helping to promote and give exposure to local bands, venues, and the other businesses and services surrounding and supporting music.

Chris, wishing you and Vortex great success and I hope you're having fun creating it as well.


Day 174 - Shelby


This is Shelby.  She is the daughter of one of my dearest and oldest friends.  I attended her Senior gymnastics meet on Saturday.  I can't even believe this little girl is graduating in just a few short months and I don't know how you parents do it.  It's so hard to let go.  It feels like just a few months ago when my friend announced she was having a baby and I can still remember rubbing my friend's little baby bump tummy when Shelby was just a bun in the oven.

It was difficult choosing the picture to share here.  We made  few that looked just like the adorable bright and sun-shiny little girl that I know and love, and then there was this one.  We were taking these pictures at night, in a little alley between two buildings, so the light and shadows were a little weird and challenging.  Although it was a tough decision, I deliberately chose this picture because she looked more like a young woman than a little girl, and she was split between shadow and light, and that's the kind of bittersweet conflict I was feeling knowing this was one of her final high school gymnastics meets.  Shelby has such a bright future ahead of her, but I was left wondering where all the time went.  I can't even imagine how her parents, or any parents, feel and cope knowing that part of being a parent is letting their child out into the world to go create a life for themselves.  It's both exciting and terrifying, both gratifying and sad.

The happiest thing happening in Shelby's life right now is that she's appreciating each moment that she has with her team.  I loved watching Shelby's team and the love and support they gave to one another.

When I asked Shelby if she's recently performed an act of kindness, she was having trouble remembering anything specific but I know this kid is one good-hearted kid and she's been doing volunteer work for years.  I helped remind her that we had just done a Project Brown Bag mission on Christmas, and then her mom added that Shelby volunteers to coach Special Abilities Gymnastics, she volunteered to be a Bell-Ringer for Salvation Army, and she often gives her teammates rides home.  Shelby questioned her mom, saying she didn't think that was really an act of kindness, but rather just something she should do to help her teammates.  Shelby's Mom laughed and said, "trust me, it's a big act of kindness for the girls' moms!"  I can also remember my friend would take Shelby and her brother to volunteer at a local homeless shelter when they were younger, and they also volunteered for Meals on Wheels.  Earlier this year, while on "vacation," they also went to one of the toughest parts of Oakland and worked with an outreach organization providing services to homeless people.  Shelby has been to some pretty tough places (with supervision) and seen people in difficult circumstances.  I think that her experiences have helped shape her to becoming the loving and compassionate person she's grown to be.

"Surround yourself with positive people," Shelby answered, when I asked if she had a personal mission statement.  Yes!  So glad Shelby has this figured out at her young age.

When I asked Shelby something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered, "Maintaining a 4.0 GPA and being a 3-sport varsity athlete."  Shelby is one amazing young woman.  She's smart, hard-working, compassionate, strong and beautiful.

Shelby, wishing you happiness in whatever you decide to do.  I love you, we're all so proud of you, and I'm so happy to have been a tiny part in your life.  Thank you.


Here's the summary of the personal mission statements and life's purposes of the subjects from this week.

  •  To do good in my life and be happy.
  • To not let fear or laziness get in the way.
  • To life life to the fullest and treat other people the way I war to be treated.
  • To always be your best person so you can set an example for others.
  • I believe very strongly that collaboration will make all of us stronger.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.


Thank you to each and every subject in this project.  I appreciate you and your willingness to share yourself with us.

Thank you for reading!


Have a  big week!


365 More People Pictures - Week 24

Hello! Thank you for checking out week 24 of the 365 More People Pictures project!

Remember, if you'd like to follow along daily on Instagram, my username is: @missellanea.


Day 161 - Garret & Bella


This is Garret & Bella.

I waited until after the game to go out in search of a subject and I knew it was going to be a challenge to find someone in downtown Vancouver. Everyone would be at home or in a bar celebrating the Seahawks NFC Championship win!  After wandering around for a while, I finally spotted Garret.  Ok, really, I spotted Bella and after admiring her, I noticed she also had a nice-looking human at the end of her leash.

The happiest thing happening in Garret's life right now is that he's moving to Austin soon!  He's transferring there for his work.

I asked Garret if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness.  Garret's first visit to Austin left him feeling like he's been on the receiving end of kindness.  Garret said that in Austin, you can be walking down the street and people will greet you and ask how you are, and they really mean it!  They have a genuine interest in how you're doing. Garret feels like he's already made friends there.

"Try everything once," Garret answered, when I asked if he has a personal mission statement or life's purpose.

When I asked Garret something about himself which he considers to be a success, he answered that it was the advancements that he's made at his job.  Garret started from the bottom and worked his way up. He said he started, literally, sweeping floors, and now he's made such progress, his employer is transferring him to Texas!  Way to go, Garret! Wishing you luck and success in Austin!


I was bummed about the pictures.  I had two adorable subjects, but just didn't manage to show you that.  One downside of this project is that because the original challenge was to have a continuous 365 day streak of taking a picture of a person, every single day, I sometimes often end up posting pictures that I don't love.  Garett is quite good-looking, almost strikingly so, but I failed at conveying that to you.

There have been times I've felt like I've done a bad job of conveying a person's something-special.  Sometimes, I even manage to make a very attractive person look less-attractive than what they really are.

What I learned in the workshop I attended a couple weekends ago, is that we shouldn't show our "bad" pictures to the world.  When I start a new project or new blog, I will do just that. It will be a carefully and deliberately selected collection of images and I will only show, what I think, is my best work.  This project/challenge is a little unique, however, because of the added pressure to go for a continuous 365 Day Streak.  In order to maintain the streak, I've had to share "reality" with you.  I've had to share that some days I can do better than others. You've seen my entire one-step-forward-two-steps-back process.  Although I cringe when I have to post something I don't love, for now, it's ok. It's like you're right along with me and helping me through the learning process.


Day 162 - Bob


This is Bob.

"This...just getting my picture taken," Bob said, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  Bob actually has some exiting things happening as he's getting a re-start in life.

I asked Bob if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he said that he had just given money to a street kid at a bus stop downtown.

Bob didn't have a personal mission statement but he's definitely a man on a mission!  Bob wants to be healed enough to start his job search and start working a new job, and then when he finds a new job, he wants to buy a car.  Bob then joked that when he's accomplished that, "then, I'll be looking for a woman."  I liked Bob so much, I called my Mom after meeting him and told her that if she moved up here, I'd "allow" her to date Bob.

When I asked Bob something about himself which he considers to be a success, he answered, "raising 5 kids, pretty much, successfully."  When I questioned his use of the phrase, "pretty much," Bob explained that he had a Son whose life was way too short. He died at age 27, but it was 27 years longer than they expected.  His son battled for his life since birth and they didn't know if he'd even make it out of the hospital when he was born.  Bob's son spent quite a while in the hospital.  Bob and his wife lived close to an hour away from the hospital and Bob would work all day, then he and his wife would drive into Portland, in his old truck, and stay with his Son as long as they could before going home and repeating the journey again the next day.  Looking back, they didn't know how they did it but they just made it through.

Thank you for sharing yourself, Bob. Wishing you good health and good luck on your job, car and lady search.


Day 163 - Heath


This is Heath.  He had barely parked his bike and taken off his helmet when I approached to ask if I could take his picture.

"My relationship is so good...my life is really good," Heath answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.

Heath's recent act of kindness is that he helped a woman to expand her non-profit organization by networking and connecting her with a friend.  Way to go, Heath!

When I asked Heath if he has a personal mission statement, he answered that he has a personal outlook which he adheres to - "to be grateful for what I have."  Heath then remarked that he feels like he has a lot for which to be grateful!  I mentioned to Heath that what little I've read about positivity and the laws of attraction, is that the simple act of gratitude attracts even more abundance.  When we appreciate and are grateful for what we have, we attract even more for which to be grateful.  Heath said it's working!

When I asked Heath something about himself which he considers to be a success, he explained that he's overcome failures and instead of creating barriers, he's opened new doors.

Thank you, Heath!


Day 164 - Sheari


This is Sheari. We met at the bus stop.  Sheari was so sweet.  We weren't quite finished with the interview when the bus arrived but Sheari decided to skip that bus and just catch the next one.  I couldn't believe that she was willing to do that!  I'm glad she did though, she was a genuinely kind person and I'm glad we met.

The happiest thing happening in Sheari's life right now is that she's about to move to LA!

When I asked Sheari if she's recently performed an act of kindness, she explained that she works in social services.  Sheari's life is devoted to serving others.  It's her hope that when she moves to LA, she'll be able to work with and serve the people who need it most - skid row.

"To leave the world a little bit better than I came into it," Sheari answered, when I asked if she has a personal mission statement.  You're already doing that, Sheari!

When I asked Sheari something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered, "my independence." Sheari left her small town and her Country to pursue her passion helping others.

Thank you, Sheari!  You're making a difference.


Day 165 - Jules


This is Jules.

He was part of a crew filming near my work.  I was a little nervous about marching onto a set to see if I could find someone to be in the project, but since they were taking up practically an entire block, they couldn't expect that people wouldn't need to walk through the area.  Remembering that I had just spent an entire weekend learning to be more confident, I decided to just go for it!  Plus, I was hoping they were filming Grimm and that I'd get a glimpse of some of the action.  (Jules told me it was a commercial but considering the huge production, I wonder if he was just telling me that to keep things a bit of a secret.)

When I asked Jules the happiest thing happening in his life right now, he answered, "my career is picking up!"

Jules' recent act of kindness is that he gave a friend her big break by getting her into the industry.

Jules' personal mission statement is: "Work to learn. Learn to play. Play to live."

When I asked Jules something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "my community."  Jules clarified, his community of friends.

Jules has a really good squinch!  It was actually cool to look back through the photos and see what a difference it made when he squinched.  I gave up trying to direct everyone to squinch because it's really hard, and some people just can't do it at first.  And, often times we would end up laughing so much that it became a distraction.  But, I could tell Jules had squinch in him.  I didn't even have to go through the whole spiel about a squinch.  I think Jules must have heard of it before because all I had to do was demonstrate a squinch, and ask him to raise just his lower eye-lids, but not to the point where he would look like he was glaring or mad at me.  He nailed it!  I love it when I'm able to contribute some direction because then it feels like we actually created the image together.  I didn't take a picture, we created it.

Thank you, Jules.


Day 166 - Shawn


This is Shawn.  We also met at the bus stop.

"I have a really good job that I like," Shawn answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.  In a really strange coincidence, Shawn and Sheari are co-workers!  The world is definitely getting smaller.

Shawn's recent act of kindness was a bit of a surprise.  Shawn recently put out a fire on the patio of a bar/restaurant!  The bucket they have set out for cigarette butts caught on fire.  He explained this was the second time he had seen this happen there, so he was calm and knew exactly what to do.

Shawn's personal mission statement is a quote by Kurt Vonnegut:  "The wreckers against the builders, there's the whole story of life."

When I asked Shawn something about himself which he would consider to be a success, he answered, "I'm legitimately happy."  Shawn recognizes that he truly happy with life and knows that not many people can say that.

I was so glad to have met both Shawn and Sheari.  They work for an organization which I've intended to check out for a few years and after meeting them both in a matter of a few days, I've recognized it as a sign that I need to attend and participate in some of the community events they offer.  Meeting Shawn was also like meeting a friend who I should have had in my life all along.

Thank you, Shawn!


Day 167 - Tabatha


This is Tabatha.  She was on break from her job inside the mall when I approached to ask if I could take her picture.

"I got a job," Tabatha answered enthusiastically, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

When I asked Tabatha if she's recently performed an act of kindness or if she's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness, she said that she's been on the receiving end of kindness. Tabatha explained that she's received a lot of help from her friends recently; one friend is letting her stay at their house, and another friend got her the job she has now.  I hoped to encourage her a little by telling her that her friend must believe in her to recommend her for a job.  I have no doubt Tabatha is doing great, judging from as much enthusiasm and appreciation she has for her job.

"I want to do good and help others," Tabatha answered, when I asked if she has a personal mission statement.  Tabatha then asked me if that's what everyone says.  Everything else aside, no matter how the words are packaged, the answer is yes.  One of the most common objectives of everyone in this project boils down to this one statement.  We are all the same - we want to do good and help others.  We're all connected in this way.

When I asked Tabatha something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered, "I'm very family oriented. I'm the glue that holds my family together."  Wishing you and your family lots of love and happiness.  It's a tough job, being glue.

Thank you, Tabatha.


Here's the summary of the personal mission statements and life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

  • Try everything once.
  • To be grateful for what I have.
  • To leave the world a little bit better than I came into it. 
  • Work to learn. Learn to play. Play to live.
  • "The wreckers against the builders, there's the whole story of life."  
  • I want to do good and help others.


Thank you for following along another week, and thank you to every subject in this project. If you'd like a copy of your picture, please don't hesitate to email me.

Thank you!



365 More People Pictures - Week 20

Hello! Sorry.  I got a little behind with the blog post from the previous week.

This is week 20 - which was Christmas week, and we'll catch up on Sunday with the subjects from this past week.

Day 133 - Andy


This is Andy, my Step-Sister-in-Law.  We celebrated Christmas with my husband's family a few days early.

"Family time, and lots of it," Andy answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

I asked Andy if she's recently performed an act of kindness and she explained that she delivered dinner to a family whose mom had recently passed away.   Andy takes turns with a few other families and provides meals to this family, who lost their mother so very young in life.

When I asked Andy if she has a personal mission statement, Andy answered, "it's pretty simple; to be a good mom, good wife, good daughter, and a good friend."

I asked Andy something about herself which she would consider to be a success, and she could have easily answered that she's successful at being a good mom, good wife, good daughter and a good friend.  Andy answered, "being able to juggle home, child, work and fun."  Andy feels like she's able to somehow able to fit it all in, and still manages to have enough time for fun.

Thank you, Andy!

Day 134 - Spencer


This is Spencer.  When I asked Spencer about the happiest thing happening in his life right now, he first said that it was a tough question.  He then answered that he was looking forward to hosting a Christmas get-together with a bunch of his orphaned friends who don't have family in the area.

Spencer's recent act of kindness is that he helped a friend get a job!

"To feed people and promote equality," Spencer said, is his life's purpose.  I told Spencer about Kate, who was a subject just a few days prior and explained how much their life's purposes were aligned.  I met Spencer less than a block away from where I had met Kate, so I hope their paths will cross and they can join forces in doing the great work they're doing. Spencer used the phrase, "unorganized philanthropy" to explain the unconventional methods he's employed in helping to make sure people are fed.  I love meeting and learning more about people like Spencer, Kate, and all of the other do-gooders we've met in this project.  They inspire me to want to do more, and to aim higher.

"I'm still standing," Spencer said, is something about himself which he would consider to be a success.

Thank you, Spencer!


Day 135 - Michelle


This is Michelle.  We met at the bus stop...yes, that bus stop. The one that gives me so much grief!  Again, I was challenged by the spot and failed to do Michelle the justice she deserved.  She reminds me of a classic movie star, but with modern style.

We only had time for two quick questions before the bus took her away.

"My new boyfriend," Michelle answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.

Michelle said that her life's purpose "is to contribute to the greater whole."

Thank you, Michelle!


Day 136 - Leslie


This is Leslie. We work together.  It was Christmas Eve and although we got off work early, I was concerned about trying to find a subject on the holiday.  I'm so glad Leslie agreed to be the person of the day!

When I asked Leslie the happiest thing happening in her life right now, she answered with a huge smile, "I met a guy."  We've only worked together for a little while, but long it's been enough for me to know that he's one lucky guy!

Leslie's recent act of kindness is that she donated to her friend's fundraiser to help her friend meet her financial goal so that she'll be able to study abroad.

"To give back," Leslie answered, when I asked if she has a personal mission statement or life's purpose.

When I asked Leslie something about herself which she would consider to be a success, she answered, "I'm motivated!"  I see a bright future for Leslie.  She is motivated and determined and because of that, I often forget that she's still quite young. She has the maturity of someone at least a decade older.

Wishing you lots of success, Leslie!  Thank you!


Day 137 - Janet


This is Janet.  She's a friend of my friend, Debbie,  and now she's my friend too.

"It's Christmas and my family is all together," Janet answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in her life right now.  Janet said she's having a great time with her kids and grandkids, and the icing on the cake is that her son just graduated art school and already has a job offer in his field!

This picture was taken on Christmas day.  If you've been following along for a while, you probably remember me mentioning Project Brown Bag.  A few years ago at a Christmas gathering, our friend Debbie presented us all with brown bags.  We thought she had violated our rule that we were no longer exchanging gifts - but when we opened the bags, they weren't gifts, but rather, they were sack lunches.  Debbie went on to explain her vision that we would all carry around "brown bags" to give to homeless people and people in need.  She hoped that through our efforts, our other friends and our friend's friends would also do the same and that our little ripple could create a big wave of help to people who need it.  We also get together a few times a year in a more organized effort to distribute brown bags.

This was our third year spending Christmas day together, distributing brown bags, hot cocoa, soup, coats, blankets, hats and beanies to homeless people in Portland.   Janet and her daughter and granddaughters joined again this year, and knowing that Janet had just spent the past few hours handing out food and clothing to homeless people, I was well aware of her recent act of kindness.  But, I also know Janet's beautiful heart and I knew she must have performed another act of kindness.

Oh, and before I tell you about that - Janet also organizes a big canned food drive at Halloween.  She's the Clark Griswold of Halloween and she goes all out  decorating her house.  Practically the entire town swings by Janet's house to check out the halloween decorations and the annual dance performance of "Thriller."  In return, all of the visitors bring canned food which Janet collects and then donates to the Food Bank.  The woman is pretty amazing!

Janet's other recent act of kindness is that she struck up a conversation with a woman at the mall who was in line with Janet while they were waiting their turn to purchase Joe's Carmel Corn.  They started talking about how much they loved the popcorn and how long they had been customers.  The woman could only afford to treat herself to a small size, so after the woman made her purchase, Janet then secretly bought her another bag and proceeded to try to sneak it to the woman in the mall.  Janet wasn't stealth enough, and the woman caught her trying to slip her the popcorn. The woman was so thrilled and touched by Janet's kindness that she hugged her.  Janet, in turn, was completely touched by the woman's hug - she felt like she was actually the recipient of the act of kindness and not the other way around.

When I asked Janet if she had a personal mission statement, she answered, "to make life yummy!"  Janet explained this is a saying of the Sweet Potato Queens.  Until talking with Janet, I didn't know that the Sweet Potato Queens are a national organization with local chapters.  I just thought it was something Janet started in little ol' Battle Ground, Washington.

Janet explained to me that when she was in school, the girls were weighed and measured and then selected for the Portland Rose Festival princess court based on those measurements.  That sounded horribly superficial when she explained it, but back then, she said there were weight limitations on parade floats, so there was actually a reason why the girls could only be a certain weight.  Janet didn't fit the criteria and wasn't considered for the Rose Festival court.

The experience stuck with Janet and she decided she didn't like it, and she wanted to do something about it.  Janet said, "we're always waiting and waiting and waiting...waiting for someone to ask us to the prom, waiting to get married, or waiting for someone to tell you you're good enough to be a queen."  Janet decided that any woman who wanted to be a queen, could be a queen!  Janet needed her queens to be seen, so she entered a float in the Battle Ground Harvest Days parade, and filled her float with any woman who wanted to be in the parade.  They were all queens!

After doing some research, Janet discovered the Sweet Potato Queens and realized her ideas were in line with the mission of the national organization, and now she heads the local chapter of Sweet Potato Queens.  I love how Janet is always building up other people!   We all need someone in our lives like Janet - someone who tells you you're a queen and then builds you a float to ride in the parade.  And, if we're not fortunate enough to have a Janet in our lives, I hope we learn to be like Janet by building people up and helping to coronate anyone who wants to be a queen!

When I asked Janet something about herself which she would consider to be a success, Janet answered, "My kids - all three of them."

Thank you so much, Janet!  You are a good person and I'm glad to know you!


Day 138 - Mason


This is Mason.  He's the son of my friend, Anne.  Mason is such a handsome young man and I'm so mad at myself I totally blew the lighting on this.   Luckily, I know I know that someday down the road, I can get a do-over.

"Having a long relationship with my girlfriend," Mason answered, when I asked the happiest thing happening in his life right now.   Mason is in college and still dating his high school sweetheart!

I asked Mason if he's recently performed an act of kindness or if he's been on the receiving end of an act of kindness.   Mason's fraternity just raised $2000 for ALS/The Steve Gleason Foundation.  On the receiving end, his grandmother gifted him with plane tickets so he could fly to Florida to watch his brother, who plays football for Southern Oregon University,  play and win the NAIA football championships!

I asked Mason if he had a personal mission statement or about his life's purpose.  Mason answered that right now, his purpose in life is "to get good grades, graduate, family, and success."

Something about himself which Mason considers to be a success, is that he's maintaining a 3.5 GPA in college!

Wishing you the best, Mason!  Thank you!


Day 139 - Matthew


This is Matthew.  We met outside of a strip mall.

The happiest thing happening in his life right now is that he had just found out that his sister and nephew are moving back home!

I asked Matthew if he's recently performed an act of kindness and he explained he tries to be giving.  He had recently given money to a homeless person.

"Live today like it's your last day," Matthew answered, when I asked if he had a personal mission statement.

One thing about himself which Matthew considers to be a success, is that he's able to connect with people and make friends easily.

Thank you, Matthew!


Here's a summary of the personal mission statements and life's purposes of the subjects from this week:

  • To be a good mom, good wife, good daughter, and a good friend."
  • To feed people and promote equality
  • To give back
  • To make life yummy!
  • To get good grades, graduate, family, and success. 
  • Live today like it's your last day

Thank you!  See you very soon when we catch up with this week's subjects!